[ 'East' ]
[ 'South' ]
[ 'East', 'East' ]
[ 'South', 'South' ]
[ 'East', 'East', 'East' ]
[ 'South', 'South', 'South' ]
[ 'South', 'South', 'South', 'East' ]
[ 'South', 'South', 'South', 'East', 'East' ]
[ 'South', 'South', 'South', 'East', 'East', 'North' ]
// Start location will be in the following format:
// [distanceFromTop, distanceFromLeft]
var findShortestPath = function(startCoordinates, grid) {
var distanceFromTop = startCoordinates[0];
var distanceFromLeft = startCoordinates[1];
// Each "location" will store its coordinates
// and the shortest path required to arrive there
var location = {
distanceFromTop: distanceFromTop,
distanceFromLeft: distanceFromLeft,
path: [],
status: 'Start'
// Initialize the queue with the start location already inside
var queue = [location];
// Loop through the grid searching for the goal
while (queue.length > 0) {
// Take the first location off the queue
var currentLocation = queue.shift();
// Explore North
var newLocation = exploreInDirection(currentLocation, 'North', grid);
if (newLocation.status === 'Goal') {
return newLocation.path;
} else if (newLocation.status === 'Valid') {
// Explore East
var newLocation = exploreInDirection(currentLocation, 'East', grid);
if (newLocation.status === 'Goal') {
return newLocation.path;
} else if (newLocation.status === 'Valid') {
// Explore South
var newLocation = exploreInDirection(currentLocation, 'South', grid);
if (newLocation.status === 'Goal') {
return newLocation.path;
} else if (newLocation.status === 'Valid') {
// Explore West
var newLocation = exploreInDirection(currentLocation, 'West', grid);
if (newLocation.status === 'Goal') {
return newLocation.path;
} else if (newLocation.status === 'Valid') {
// No valid path found
return false;
// This function will check a location's status
// (a location is "valid" if it is on the grid, is not an "obstacle",
// and has not yet been visited by our algorithm)
// Returns "Valid", "Invalid", "Blocked", or "Goal"
var locationStatus = function(location, grid) {
var gridSize = grid.length;
var dft = location.distanceFromTop;
var dfl = location.distanceFromLeft;
if (location.distanceFromLeft < 0 ||
location.distanceFromLeft >= gridSize ||
location.distanceFromTop < 0 ||
location.distanceFromTop >= gridSize) {
// location is not on the grid--return false
return 'Invalid';
} else if (grid[dft][dfl] === 'Goal') {
return 'Goal';
} else if (grid[dft][dfl] !== 'Empty') {
// location is either an obstacle or has been visited
return 'Blocked';
} else {
return 'Valid';
// Explores the grid from the given location in the given
// direction
var exploreInDirection = function(currentLocation, direction, grid) {
var newPath = currentLocation.path.slice();
var dft = currentLocation.distanceFromTop;
var dfl = currentLocation.distanceFromLeft;
if (direction === 'North') {
dft -= 1;
} else if (direction === 'East') {
dfl += 1;
} else if (direction === 'South') {
dft += 1;
} else if (direction === 'West') {
dfl -= 1;
var newLocation = {
distanceFromTop: dft,
distanceFromLeft: dfl,
path: newPath,
status: 'Unknown'
newLocation.status = locationStatus(newLocation, grid);
// If this new location is valid, mark it as 'Visited'
if (newLocation.status === 'Valid') {
grid[newLocation.distanceFromTop][newLocation.distanceFromLeft] = 'Visited';
return newLocation;
// OK. We have the functions we need--let's run them to get our shortest path!
// Create a 4x4 grid
// Represent the grid as a 2-dimensional array
var gridSize = 4;
var grid = [];
for (var i=0; i<gridSize; i++) {
grid[i] = [];
for (var j=0; j<gridSize; j++) {
grid[i][j] = 'Empty';
// Think of the first index as "distance from the top row"
// Think of the second index as "distance from the left-most column"
// This is how we would represent the grid with obstacles above
grid[0][0] = "Start";
grid[2][2] = "Goal";
grid[1][1] = "Obstacle";
grid[1][2] = "Obstacle";
grid[1][3] = "Obstacle";
grid[2][1] = "Obstacle";
console.log(findShortestPath([0,0], grid));