为此,我正在使用Kevin Shepards多元GARCH工具箱。
我周围一团糟,我意识到如果我想使用参数选项,我需要插入6得到ap = 1,o = 0,q = 0和9(对于ap = 1,o = 0,q = 1。
是否有人可以告诉我是否甚至可以使用上图中的参数来模拟模型?所有k均设置为1,A矩阵为[0.2 0.7; 0 0.9]
function [simulatedata,ht,pseudorc]=matrix_garch_simulate(t,k,parameters,p,o,q,m)
% Simulation of symmetric and asymmetric MATRIX multivariate GARCH models
% [SIMULATEDATA, HT, PSEUDORC] = matrix_garch_simulate(T, K, PARAMETERS, P, O, Q, M)
% T - Length of the time series to be simulated
% K - Cross-sectional dimension
% PARAMETERS - A 3-D matrix of K by K matrices where
% CC' = PARAMETERS(:,:,1), AA'(j)=PARAMETERS(:,:,1+j),
% GG'(j) = PARAMETERS(:,:,1+P+j), BB'(j)=PARAMETERS(:,:,1+P+Q+j)
% -OR- a K(K+1)/2*(1+P+O+Q) by 1 vector of parameters of
% the form returned my calling matrix_garch
% P - Positive, scalar integer representing the number of lags of the innovation process
% O - Non-negative scalar integer representing the number of asymmetric lags to include
% Q - Non-negative scalar integer representing the number of lags of conditional covariance
% M - [OPTIONAL] Number of ``intradaily'' returns to simulate to pseudo-Realized
% Covariance. If omitted, set to 72.
% SIMULATEDATA - A time series with constant conditional correlation covariance
% HT - A [k k t] matrix of simulated conditional covariances
% PSEUDORC - A [k k t] matrix of pseudo-Realized Covariances
% The conditional variance, H(t), of a MATRIX GARCH is modeled as follows:
% H(t) = CC' + AA'(1).*r_{t-1}'*r_{t-1} + ... + AA'(P).*r_{t-P}'*r_{t-P}
% + GG(1)'.*n_{t-1}'*n_{t-1} + ... + GG(O)'.*n_{t-P}'*n_{t-P}
% + BB(1)'.*H(t-1) +...+ BB(Q)'.*H(t-q)
% where n_{t} = r_{t} .* (r_{t}<0). If using realized measures, the
% RM_{t-1} replaces r_{t-1}'*r_{t-1}, and the asymmetric version
% replaces n_{t-1}'*n_{t-1}