
时间:2019-02-25 10:36:07

标签: algorithm


Naive-Matcher(T , P )
1. n <- T.length
2. m <- P.length
3. create a new empty queue S
4. for s <- 0 to n <- m do
  5. matches <- TRUE
  6. for i <- 1 to m do
    7. if P[i] /= T[s + i] then
      8. matches <- FALSE
      9. exit for loop
 10. if matches then enqueue(s, S)

让T(n,m)分别表示大小为n和m的输入的Naive-Matcher算法的最坏情况运行时间。如何证明T(n,m)=Ω((n * m + 1)m)

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