
时间:2019-02-10 14:08:00

标签: javascript opengl-es glsl rendering webgl2

iam当前正在编写带有三角形相交的光线跟踪器。我已经将网格导出为.raw格式,只是为了具有每个顶点的坐标。 而且我注意到了一件事情,当我旋转相机时,它会显示出被遮挡的网格。


bool hitTriangle(vec3 orig,vec3 dir,vec3 a,vec3 b,vec3 c,out vec3 uvt,out vec3 triangleNormal){
   float eps=1e-8;
   vec3 ab=b-a;
   vec3 ac=c-a;

   triangleNormal = normalize(cross(ab,ac));
   vec3 n=cross(dir,ac);

   float det=dot(ab,n);
   // if the determinant is negative the triangle is backfacing
   // if the determinant is close to 0, the ray misses the triangl
   if(det<=eps){ return false;}

   vec3 ao=orig-a;
   float u=dot(ao,n)/det;
   if(u<0.0 || u>1.0){ return false;}

   vec3 e=cross(ao,ab);
   float v=dot(dir,e)/det;
   if(v<0.0||u+v>1.0){ return false;}

   float t= dot(ac,e)/det;
   uvt = vec3(u,v,t);
   return true;


bool hitScene(Ray R_, out vec3 hitPos, out vec3 normal, out Material material, Sphere lightSource){  // na thimithw na thesw to isShpere false stin trace synartisi

    vec4 a = vec4(0.0), b = vec4(0.0), c = vec4(0.0);
    float mindist = -1000.;
    bool weHitSomething = false;
    vec3 hitPos1 = vec3(0.),triangleNormal = vec3(0.,0.,0.), sphereNormal;

    //here we chck all the mesh if we hit a triangle if the mesh and we keep the closest hitpoint
    for (int i = 0; i < vertsCount; i += 3) {

        a = texelFetch(uMeshData, ivec2(i, 0), 0);
        b = texelFetchOffset(uMeshData, ivec2(i, 0), 0, ivec2(1, 0));
        c = texelFetchOffset(uMeshData, ivec2(i, 0), 0, ivec2(2, 0));

        vec3 uvt;
        bool isHit = hitTriangle(R_.orig,R_.dir, a.xyz,b.xyz,c.xyz,uvt, triangleNormal);
        if (isHit) {
            vec3 intersect = R_.orig + R_.dir*uvt.z;
            float z = intersect.z;
            if (z>mindist) {
                hitPos1 = intersect;

                mindist = z;
                weHitSomething = true;
                material.type = METAL;
                material.albedo = vec3(.0, .8, .8);
                normal = triangleNormal;
                hitPos = hitPos1;

    return weHitSomething;


//Trace is the main function of the max bounces
vec3 Trace(out Ray ray, Sphere lightSource){

    vec3 hitPos, normal;
    bool isShpere;
    Material material;
    vec3 color = vec3(1.);
    vec3 attenuation = vec3(1.);
    vec3 light = vec3(1.,1.,1.), shadow = vec3(1.,1.,1.);

    //this if for every ray to bounce 4 times.(hopefully)
    for(int i=0; i< MAX_BOUNCES; i++){

        // we check if we hit something
        if(hitScene(ray, hitPos, normal, material, lightSource)){

            //we calculate the new direction
            vec3 direction = normalize(reflect(ray.dir, normal));

            ray = Ray(hitPos, direction); 

            color *= material.albedo * attenuation*hitPos;
            attenuation *= material.albedo;    

            color = attenuation;

    return color;

之后,我得到类似的信息: enter image description here 如您所见,我在反射,但是在球体内也看到了立方体。这是否意味着我无法通过射线三角形相交测试?或最小距离不正确?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


在您的代码中,对Barycentric coordinates有一个基本的误解。重心坐标不是坐标,但是它们是[0,1]范围内的3个值。想象一个重心坐标为3个权重,该权重对一个三角形的3个角点进行加权。


b.x + b.x + b.z == 1


X =  A * b.x + B * b.y + C * b.z


vec3 intersect = a.xyz * uvt.x + b.xyz * uvt.y + c.xyz * uvt.z;


float z = dot(intersect - R_.orig, normalize(R_.dir));

另外,用于计算重心坐标的算法看起来很奇怪。我非常确定它必须是uvt = vec3(t, u, v)而不是uvt = vec3(u, v, t);。但这有待进一步调查。




N  =  normalize( cross(PC-PA, PB-PA)


n  =  | R0 - PA | * cos(alpha)  =  dot(PA - R0, N)


d  =  n / cos(beta)  =  n / dot(D, N)


X  =  R0 + D * d  =  R0 + D * dot(PA - R0, N) / dot(D, N)


  • 如果射线在射线的原点(true之后与射线的正方向(dir)相交的三角形图元,则返回值为orig
  • 输出N是由三角形定义的平面的法线向量。
  • 输出uvt是三角形的Barycentric coordinates
  • 输出x是三角形上的交点。
  • 输出dist是从射线原点(orig)到交点x的距离。


bool hitTriangle(
    vec3 orig, vec3 dir, vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c,
    out vec3 uvt, out vec3 N, out vec3 x, out float dist) {

    float eps=1e-8;

    vec3 ab = b - a;
    vec3 ac = c - a;

    N = normalize(cross(ab, ac));

    dist = dot(a - orig, N) / dot(dir, N);
    x    = orig + dir * dist;

    vec3 ax = x - a;

    float d00 = dot(ab, ab);
    float d01 = dot(ab, ac);
    float d11 = dot(ac, ac);
    float d20 = dot(ax, ab);
    float d21 = dot(ax, ac);

    float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01; // determinant

    // if the determinant is negative the triangle is backfacing
    // if the determinant is close to 0, the ray misses the triangl
    if ( denom <= eps )
        return false;

    uvt.y = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
    if ( uvt.y < 0.0 || uvt.y > 1.0 )
        return false;

    uvt.z = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;
    if ( uvt.z < 0.0 || uvt.z > 1.0 )
        return false;

    uvt.x = 1.0 - uvt.y - uvt.z;
    if ( uvt.x < 0.0 || uvt.x > 1.0 )
        return false;

    return true;


bool hitScene(Ray R_, out vec3 hitPos, out vec3 normal, out Material material, Sphere lightSource){  // na thimithw na thesw to isShpere false stin trace synartisi

    vec4 a = vec4(0.0), b = vec4(0.0), c = vec4(0.0);
    float mindist = 1000.;
    bool weHitSomething = false;
    vec3 hitPos1 = vec3(0.),triangleNormal = vec3(0.,0.,0.), sphereNormal;

    vec3 ray_dir = normalize(R_.dir);

    //here we chck all the mesh if we hit a triangle if the mesh and we keep the closest hitpoint
    for (int i = 0; i < vertsCount; i += 3) {

        a = texelFetch(uMeshData, ivec2(i, 0), 0);
        b = texelFetchOffset(uMeshData, ivec2(i, 0), 0, ivec2(1, 0));
        c = texelFetchOffset(uMeshData, ivec2(i, 0), 0, ivec2(2, 0));

        vec3 uvt;
        vec3 intersect;
        float z;
        bool isHit = hitTriangle(R_.orig, ray_dir, a.xyz, b.xyz, c.xyz, uvt, triangleNormal, intersect, z);
        if (isHit)
            if (z < mindist && z > 0.001)
                hitPos1 = intersect;

                mindist = z;
                weHitSomething = true;
                material.type = METAL;
                material.albedo = vec3(.0, .8, .8);
                normal = triangleNormal;
                hitPos = hitPos1;

    return weHitSomething;