我试图通过SignalR中建立的连接发送包含一些对象的数组,该连接不是问题,一切正常。当数据到达视图时,它不再是我需要使用的数组。 这是课程:
public class Empresa
public string nombre { get; set; }
public int vidID { get; set; }
public string img64 { get; set; }
public string color { get; set; }
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa> _ar1 = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa>();
var data = new List<Empresa>
new Empresa{nombre ="Globex Corp",color="red",vidId=1, img="" },
new Empresa{nombre ="AM",color="blue",vidId=2, img="" }
for(int i = 0; i<=6; i++)
_ar1.TryAdd(data[i].vidID, data[i]);
public IEnumerable<Empresa> GetArreglo()
return _ar1;
到目前为止,我不确定是否可能出问题或我是否需要提出其他解决方案。 如果需要更多信息,请张贴。甚至很明显,一个新人仍然在学习这一点。
// This is the JS
var ubi = '@ViewBag.ubicacion';
console.log("Ubicación: " + ubi);
var conex = $.connection.channel;
var $marco = $('#marco');
var $imagen = $('#imagen');
var $empresa = $('#empresa');
function empezar() {
var min;
var max;
var pos;
var arreglo = new Array;
function init() {
console.log("Entro al canal");
arreglo = conex.server.getArreglo(ubi);
//pos = arreglo.split('|');
//a.split is not a function
setInterval(update, 6000);
function update() {
window.onload = function() { empezar(); }
//It gets the conection to the HUB:
public class CanalHub : Hub
private readonly Canal _canal;
public CanalHub() : this(Canal.Instance) { }
public CanalHub(Canal canal)
_canal = canal;
public string[] GetArreglo(string ubi)
string[] array = _canal.GetArreglo(ubi);
return array;
//it is now a string[] because i wanted to
//try creating the obj with .split('|')
// And finally this is the last part involved:
public class Canal
private static Random random = new Random();
private volatile List<Canales> listaCan = new List<Canales>();
private readonly static Lazy<Canal> _instance = new Lazy<Canal>(() => new Canal(GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<CanalHub>().Clients));
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa> _datos = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa>();
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa> _ar1 = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa>();
private Canal(IHubConnectionContext<dynamic> clients)
Clients = clients;
//Create the sample objects for the class
var datos = new List<Empresa>
new Empresa{nombre="Globex Corp", color="#A87F3D", vidID=1, img="balbal" },
new Empresa{nombre="AM", color="#535E89", vidID=2, img="balba" },
new Empresa{nombre="Frutijugos", color="#92191A", vidID=3, img="askldj" }
for (int i = 0; i <=6 ; i++)
_ar1.TryAdd(datos[i].vidID, datos[i]);
for (int i = 7; i <= 13; i++)
_ar2.TryAdd(datos[i].vidID, datos[i]);
for (int i = 14; i <= 20; i++)
_ar3.TryAdd(datos[i].vidID, datos[i]);
//sort them on 3 different arrays
private IHubConnectionContext<dynamic> Clients { get; set; }
public static Canal Instance
get { return _instance.Value; }
public string[] GetArreglo(string ubi)
string[] array = new string[7];
int i = 0;
if (ubi == "Campanario")
foreach (var item in _ar1)
array[i] += item.Value.nombre + "|";
array[i] += item.Value.color + "|";
array[i] += item.Value.img + "|";
array[i] += item.Value.vidID + "|";
return array;
//sort the array values and add them to the array
else return null;