
时间:2019-01-31 10:09:43

标签: r pca


我想基于环境因素创建PCA,我已经完成了。接下来,我将根据我的生物多样性变量为各个数据点着色,以便直观地检查在哪里发现多样性的高低水平。基本上,我想要一个类似于the plot under segment 2 for Visualize PCA results的图,但是我不想根据cos2进行着色,而是根据我的生物多样性命运Biodiv_为我的点着色。


PCA1 <- PCA(complete[ ,1:9], 
        scale.unit = TRUE, graph = TRUE) 
##Provides a PCA plot with my 9 environmental variables

PCA2 <- PCA(complete, scale.unit = TRUE, 
        ncp = 5, quali.sup = c(10), graph = TRUE) 
##My attempt at adding the biodiversity factor to the plot. No change appear at my plot compared to the line above

plot.PCA(PCA2, axes = c(1,2), choix = "ind", habillage = 50) 
##I wish to color the points accoring to the biodiversity factor with 50 levels. 


Error in plot.PCA(complete_2PCA, axes = c(1, 2), choix = "ind", habillage = 50) : 
The variable 50 is not qualitative    


Env_1 Env_2   Env_3    Env_4   ... Env_9     Biodiv_10
14    78.9675 61.8300  5.4725  ... 4.947368  0.00
12    43.6950 14.8475  5.3775  ... 5.714286  0.12
15    56.1875 31.2800  6.1100  ... 5.200000  0.15
13    84.0100 68.7825  5.8500  ... 5.625000  0.88
24    63.4125 26.5525  5.5675  ... 5.363636  0.05
16    51.3175 19.5025  5.6950  ... 5.555556  0.76


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