在VS2015中调试我的代码,我结束了程序的结尾。但是,寄存器在call ExitProcess
上应有的状态或其任何变型都会导致“访问冲突写入位置0x00000004”。我正在使用Kip Irvine的书中的Irvine32.inc。我尝试使用call DumpRegs
我尝试使用call ExitProcess
和invoke ExitProcess,0
include Irvine32.inc
;ary dword 100, -30, 25, 14, 35, -92, 82, 134, 193, 99, 0
ary dword -24, 1, -5, 30, 35, 81, 94, 143, 0
main PROC
;ESI will be used for the array
;EDI will be used for the array value
;ESP will be used for the array counting
;EAX will be used for the accumulating sum
;EBX will be used for the average
;ECX will be used for the remainder of avg
;EBP will be used for calculating remaining sum
mov eax,0 ;Set EAX register to 0
mov ebx,0 ;Set EBX register to 0
mov esp,0 ;Set ESP register to 0
mov esi,OFFSET ary ;Set ESI register to array
sum: mov edi,[esi] ;Set value to array value
cmp edi,0 ;Check value to temination value 0
je finsum ;If equal, jump to finsum
add esp,1 ;Add 1 to array count
add eax,edi ;Add value to sum
add esi,4 ;Increment to next address in array
jmp sum ;Loop back to sum array
finsum: mov ebp,eax ;Set remaining sum to the sum
cmp ebp,0 ;Compare rem sum to 0
je finavg ;Jump to finavg if sum is 0
cmp ebp,esp ;Check sum to array count
jl finavg ;Jump to finavg if sum is less than array count
avg: add ebx,1 ;Add to average
sub ebp,esp ;Subtract array count from rem sum
cmp ebp,esp ;Compare rem sum to array count
jge avg ;Jump to avg if rem sum is >= to ary count
finavg: mov ecx,ebp ;Set rem sum to remainder of avg
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
在call ExitProcess
EAX = 00000163 EBX = 0000002C ECX = 00000003 EDX = 00401055
ESI = 004068C0 EDI = 00000000 EIP = 0040366B ESP = 00000008
EBP = 00000003 EFL = 00000293
OV = 0 UP = 0 EI = 1 PL = 1 ZR = 0 AC = 1 PE = 0 CY = 1
答案 0 :(得分:2)
mov esp,0
将堆栈指针设置为0。执行该操作后,诸如push / pop或call / ret之类的任何堆栈指令都将崩溃。
的工作原理是将返回地址推入堆栈,例如sub esp,4
/ mov [esp], next_instruction
/ jmp ExitProcess
。参见https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/CALL.html。如您的注册转储所示,ESP = 8在call
您的代码分为2部分:遍历数组,然后找到平均值。 您可以在2个部分中将寄存器重用于其他用途,通常可以大大降低寄存器压力。 (即您不会用完寄存器。)
但是无论如何,您都有一个隐式长度数组,因此您必须找到其长度并在计算平均值时记住这一点。您可以从也要递增的指针中计算出它,而不是在循环内递增一个大小计数器。 (或将计数器用作数组索引,例如ary[ecx*4]
这是高效(标量)实现的外观。 (使用SIMD的SSE2,您可以通过一条指令添加4个元素...)
;ary dword 100, -30, 25, 14, 35, -92, 82, 134, 193, 99, 0
ary dword -24, 1, -5, 30, 35, 81, 94, 143, 0
main PROC
;; inputs: static ary of signed dword integers
;; outputs: EAX = array average, EDX = remainder of sum/size
;; ESI = array count (in elements)
;; clobbers: none (other than the outputs)
; EAX = sum accumulator
; ESI = array pointer
; EDX = array element temporary
xor eax, eax ; sum = 0
mov esi, OFFSET ary ; incrementing a pointer is usually efficient, vs. ary[ecx*4] inside a loop or something. So this is good.
sumloop: ; do {
mov edx, [esi]
add edx, 4
add eax, edx ; sum += *p++ without checking for 0, because + 0 is a no-op
test edx, edx ; sets FLAGS the same as cmp edx,0
jnz sumloop ; }while(array element != 0);
;;; fall through if the element is 0.
;;; esi points to one past the terminator, i.e. two past the last real element we want to count for the average
sub esi, OFFSET ary + 4 ; (end+4) - (start+4) = array size in bytes
shr esi, 2 ; esi = array length = (end-start)/element_size
cdq ; sign-extend sum into EDX:EAX as an input for idiv
idiv esi ; EAX = sum/length EDX = sum%length
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
我使用x86的硬件除法指令,而不是减法循环。您的重复减法循环看起来很复杂,但是手动带符号除法可能很棘手。 我不知道您在哪里处理总和为负数的可能性。如果您的数组的总和为负数,则反复相减会使其增长直到溢出。或者在您的情况下,如果您使用sum < count
请注意,像Set EAX register to 0
这样的注释是没有用的。通过阅读mov eax,0
我们已经知道这一点。 sum = 0
;; UNSIGNED division (or signed with non-negative dividend and positive divisor)
; Inputs: sum(dividend) in EAX, count(divisor) in ECX
; Outputs: quotient in EDX, remainder in EAX (reverse of the DIV instruction)
xor edx, edx ; quotient counter = 0
cmp eax, ecx
jb subloop_end ; the quotient = 0 case
repeat_subtraction: ; do {
inc edx ; quotient++
sub eax, ecx ; dividend -= divisor
cmp eax, ecx
jae repeat_subtraction ; while( dividend >= divisor );
; fall through when eax < ecx (unsigned), leaving EAX = remainder
请注意,进入循环之前先检查特殊情况 可以使我们简化它。另请参见Why are loops always compiled into "do...while" style (tail jump)?
sub eax, ecx
和cmp eax, ecx
xor edx, edx ; quotient counter = 0
cmp eax, ecx
jb division_done ; the quotient = 0 case
repeat_subtraction: ; do {
inc edx ; quotient++
sub eax, ecx ; dividend -= divisor
jnc repeat_subtraction ; while( dividend -= divisor doesn't wrap (carry) );
add eax, ecx ; correct for the overshoot
dec edx
(但是在大多数现代x86 CPU上,大多数情况下这实际上并不快;即使输入不相同,它们也可以并行运行inc,cmp和sub。这可能对AMD Bulldozer-整数核非常狭窄的家族。)
显然重复的减法是提高性能的总垃圾。可以实现更好的算法,例如一次一次长除法,但是{{1} }指令将对任何事物都更快,除非您知道商为0或1,因此最多需要减1。 ({idiv
/ div
/ xor eax, ecx
如果EAX和ECX具有相同的符号,则为dl = 0;如果它们不同,则为1(因此商将为负)。 (根据结果的符号位设置SF,并且异或针对不同的输入产生1,对于相同的输入产生0。)