我尝试使用此处给出的真实基础功能复制this figure(请参见下面的代码)。
我想知道作者是如何提出这个数字的(乍看之下很容易复制)。如果我看例如在(11)f(X_1)= 8 * sin(X_1)的第一部分,我看不到作者如何获得具有负函数值的对应图(据我所知,X的取值域在0到3之间)。对最后一个线性分量也感到困惑。
rm(list = ls())
n_sim <- 50
n <- 100
# generate design matrix
x <- seq(from=0.00001, to=3, length.out=n)
x1 <- sample(x, size= n)
x2 <- sample(x, size= n)
x3 <- sample(x, size= n)
x4 <- sample(x, size= n)
x5 <- sample(x, size= n)
x6 <- sample(x, size= n)
x7 <- sample(x, size= n)
x8 <- sample(x, size= n)
x9 <- sample(x, size= n)
X <- matrix(c(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9), nrow = n, ncol = 9)
# generate true underlying function and observations with errors
f_true_train <- 1+ 8*sin(X[,1]) + 3*log(X[,2]) - 0.8*(X[,7]^4-X[,7]^3-5*X[,7]^2) - 3*X[,8]
y <- f_true_train + rnorm(n, 0, 3)
# plot components of true underlying function as in Fig. 1
# of Boosting Additive Models using Component-wise P-Splines by Schmid & Hothorn (2007)
plot(X[,1], 8*sin(X[,1]))
plot(X[,2], 3*log(X[,2]))
plot(X[,7], - 0.8*(X[,7]^4-X[,7]^3-5*X[,7]^2))
plot(X[,8], - 3*X[,8])