PMI在此定义为:pmi(短语)= log(p(短语)/ Product(p(word))
与 p(phrase):基于词组相对频率的词组概率 Product(p(word):词组中每个单词的概率乘积。</ p>
#creating dummy data
id <- c(1:5)
text <- c("positiveemoticon my name is positiveemoticon positiveemoticon i love you", "hello dont", "i love you", "i love you", "happy birthday")
ids_text_clean_test <- data.frame(id, text)
ids_text_clean_test$id <- as.character(ids_text_clean_test$id)
ids_text_clean_test$text <- as.character(ids_text_clean_test$text)
test_corpus <- corpus(ids_text_clean_test[["text"]], docnames = ids_text_clean_test[["id"]])
tokens_all_test <- tokens(test_corpus, remove_punct = TRUE)
## Create a document-feature matrix(dfm)
doc_phrases_matrix_test <- dfm(tokens_all_test, ngrams = 2:3) #extracting two- and three word phrases
# calculating the pointwise mututal information for each phrase to identify phrases that occur at rates much higher than chance
tcmrs = Matrix::rowSums(doc_phrases_matrix_test) #number of words per user
tcmcs = Matrix::colSums(doc_phrases_matrix_test) #counts of each phrase
N = sum(tcmrs) #number of total words used
colp = tcmcs/N #proportion of the phrases by total phrases
rowp = tcmrs/N #proportion of each users' words used by total words used
pp = doc_phrases_matrix_test@p + 1
ip = doc_phrases_matrix_test@i + 1
tmpx = rep(0,length(doc_phrases_matrix_test@x)) # new values go here, just a numeric vector
# iterate through sparse matrix:
for (i in 1:(length(doc_phrases_matrix_test@p) - 1) ) {
ind = pp[i]:(pp[i + 1] - 1)
not0 = ip[ind]
icol = doc_phrases_matrix_test@x[ind]
tmp = log( (icol/N) / (rowp[not0] * colp[i] )) # PMI
tmpx[ind] = tmp
doc_phrases_matrix_test@x = tmpx
test_pmi <- textstat_keyness(doc_phrases_matrix_test, measure = "pmi",
sort = TRUE)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以使用以下R代码,该代码使用udpipe R包来获取您所要的内容。标记符号化data.frame的示例,它是udpipe的一部分
data(brussels_reviews_anno, package = "udpipe")
x <- subset(brussels_reviews_anno, language %in% "fr")
## find keywords with PMI > 3
keyw <- keywords_collocation(x, term = "lemma",
group = c("doc_id", "sentence_id"), ngram_max = 3, n_min = 10)
keyw <- subset(keyw, pmi > 3)
## recodes to keywords
x$term <- txt_recode_ngram(x$lemma, compound = keyw$keyword, ngram = keyw$ngram)
## create DTM
dtm <- document_term_frequencies(x = x$term, document = x$doc_id)
dtm <- document_term_matrix(dtm)
如果要获取与x相似结构的数据集。只需使用udpipe(text,“ english”)或您选择的任何语言即可。如果您想使用Quanteda进行令牌化,您仍然可以将其放入更丰富的数据中。frame-给出了here和here的示例。借助udpipe R程序包的帮助,它具有许多小插图(?udpipe)。
请注意,PMI很有用,使用udpipe R包的依赖项解析输出要有用得多。如果您查看dep_rel字段,则会发现一些类别,这些类别可以标识多词表达式(例如,dep_rel fixed / flat / compound是http://universaldependencies.org/u/dep/index.html所定义的多词表达式),也可以使用它们将它们放入文档中/ term / matrix