在OpenCV 3.2中返回Java中的Mat对象

时间:2018-12-14 11:07:30

标签: java opencv image-processing mat


我正在为此使用OpenCV 3.2。

我在类encodeImage(String message)的方法LSBImageStego中编写了编码逻辑,它将获取秘密消息并将其编码在给定的Cover Image中(该封面图像将由Constructor获取)。 / p>



现在,当我尝试解码EncodedImage时,我发现该图像具有旧的Pixel值,但没有Encoded Pixel值。这表明,尽管我在{{1}中使用put()编写了EncodedPixel值}},encodeImage(String message)对象未返回。

这是Mat类的encodeImage(String message)的代码


而我正在另一类的/** getBeautifiedBinaryString() Returns a binary string of length 8 by taking a number. This function is working perfectly. */ /** binaryStringMessage is a private String in the class & contains the Binary form of the Secret Message. */ /** This function takes Secret Message and replaces 2 bits from LSB(First Channel of Image) with the bits of Message */ public Mat encodeImage(String message){ /** //coverImage is a Mat Object & following is the code in constructor of a class this.coverImage = coverImage; this.coverImage_rows = (int)coverImage.size().height; this.coverImage_cols = (int)coverImage.size().width; */ System.out.println("Number of Rows : " + this.coverImage_rows); System.out.println("Number of Columns : " + this.coverImage_cols); // This is used as a pointer in the BinaryString ,so that,it can be embedded easily int messageStringCounter = 0; for(int rowCount = 0 ; rowCount <= this.coverImage_rows -1 ; rowCount++){ for(int colCount = 0; colCount <= this.coverImage_cols -1 ; colCount++){ try{ if(messageStringCounter > this.binaryStringMessage.length() - 2 ){ System.out.println("RETURNING pic"); return this.coverImage; } String newLSBBits = this.binaryStringMessage.substring(messageStringCounter , messageStringCounter+2); System.out.println(">> "+messageStringCounter + " >> " + newLSBBits); messageStringCounter+=2; System.out.println("ORIGINAL : "+this.getBeautifiedBinaryString(this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[0])); String modifiedBinaryString = this.getBeautifiedBinaryString(this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[0]).substring(0 , this.getBeautifiedBinaryString(this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[0]).length() - 2) + newLSBBits; System.out.println("MODIFIED : " + modifiedBinaryString); double[] data = new double[3]; data[0] = Integer.parseInt(modifiedBinaryString , 2); data[1] = this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[1]; data[2] = this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[2]; // Im checking whether the Pixel values are being changed as expected or not. System.out.println("BEFORE : " + this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[0]); this.coverImage.put(rowCount , colCount , data); System.out.println("AFTER : " + this.coverImage.get(rowCount , colCount)[0]); // The Pixel values were changed as expected }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception Handled"); } } } return this.coverImage; } 中调用上述方法,如下所示。



唯一的问题是我要保存到磁盘的EncodedImage,它不包含Encoded Pixel Values。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

JPEG会进行有损压缩。因此,已编码的像素值将丢失,并且很有可能与原来的原始像素值相同,因为仅更改了像素强度的LSB。但是事实并非如此。 PNG或位图。
