static boolean isDifferent(int[] first, int width, int height) {
System.out.println("WIDTH = " + width);
System.out.println("HEIGHT = " + height);
int totDifferentPixels = 0;
int pix, otherPix;
for (int i = 0, ij = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++, ij++) {
pix = (0xff & (first[ij]));
otherPix = (0xff & (mPrevious[ij]));
// Catch any pixels that are out of range
if (pix < 0) pix = 0;
if (pix > 255) pix = 255;
if (otherPix < 0) otherPix = 0;
if (otherPix > 255) otherPix = 255;
if (Math.abs(pix - otherPix) >= mPixelThreshold) {
// Paint different pixel red
// first[ij] = Color.RED;
if (totDifferentPixels <= 0) totDifferentPixels = 1;
boolean different = totDifferentPixels > mThreshold;
return different;