我必须制作一个kalaha AI,它使用带有迭代加深的Alpha beta修剪,并且时间限制为5秒。不能正常工作... 当它完成时,depthCount会非常深,但不应(例如15000)。...我在末尾添加了一个图像来显示此问题
public int minimaxIDAlphaBeta(GameState currentBoard, int maxPlayer, boolean isMax, boolean isMin, int alpha, int beta) {
int bestMove = 0;
int depthCount = 1;
int value = 0;
Integer maxValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
start_time = 0;
time_exceeded = false;
elapsed_time = 0;
if (!currentBoard.gameEnded()) {
start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!time_exceeded) {
elapsed_time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time;
// GameState newBoard = currentBoard.clone();
if (elapsed_time > timeLimit) {
//System.out.println("time out: " + elapsedTime / 1000F + ", and depth count: " + depthCount);
time_exceeded = true;
} else {
// if (newBoard.gameEnded()) {
// return bestMove;
// }
for (int i = 2; i <= 25 ; i++) //for (int i = 1; elapsed_time < timeLimit ; i++)
value = MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(currentBoard, 1, maxPlayer, isMax, isMin, i, alpha, beta, start_time, time_exceeded);
if (value > maxValue) {
bestMove = value;
if (elapsed_time >= timeLimit) {
System.out.println("depth count: " + i);
System.out.println("best move: " + bestMove + ", elapsed time: " + elapsed_time / 1000F);
return bestMove;
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
public int MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(GameState currentBoard, int currentDepth, int maxPlayer, boolean isMax, boolean isMin, int maxDepth, int alpha, int beta,long start_time,boolean exceeded_time) {
int depth = maxDepth;
int value = 0;
Integer maxValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Integer minValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int bestMove = 0;
//get elapsed time in milliseconds
elapsed_time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time;
//if elapsed time is larger than maximum time limit, then stop searching
if (elapsed_time > timeLimit) {
time_exceeded = true;
//if time is not exceeded 5 sec
if (!time_exceeded) {
//if the game is ended or we hit a terminal node, return the maxPlayer score
if (currentBoard.gameEnded() || currentDepth == depth || time_exceeded == true) {
if (maxPlayer == 1) {
return currentBoard.getScore(1) - currentBoard.getScore(2);
} else {
return currentBoard.getScore(2) - currentBoard.getScore(1);
//check to see if it's max turn
if (isMax) {
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
//check to see if move is possible or not
if (currentBoard.moveIsPossible(i)) {
//copy the current board in each iteration
GameState newBoard = currentBoard.clone();
//check to see if the next player is max again or not...if it's next turn is max again set isMax true and isMin false...
if (newBoard.getNextPlayer() == maxPlayer) {
isMax = true;
isMin = false;
} else {
isMax = false;
isMin = true;
if (isMax) {
//if it's max turn it will excute this recursive function
value = MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(newBoard, currentDepth + 1, maxPlayer, isMax, isMin, maxDepth, alpha, beta,start_time,exceeded_time);
} else {
//if it's min turn it will excute this recursive function
value = MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(newBoard, currentDepth + 1, maxPlayer, isMax, isMin, maxDepth, alpha, beta,start_time,exceeded_time);
//if the value is greater than the max value, it will store the value in max value and the i as the best move
if (value > maxValue) {
maxValue = value;
bestMove = i;
//if maximum value is larger than alpha value, then store maximum value as alpha value
if (maxValue > alpha) {
alpha = maxValue;
//if the alpha value is larger than beta value, then stop the iteration
if (beta <= alpha) {
//as long as the depth is greater than 1 we want to calculate the best value and return, but when the current depth is 1 we want to return the best move instead of best value
if (currentDepth != 1) {
bestMove = maxValue;
} else { //if it is min turn it will go through the else
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
if (currentBoard.moveIsPossible(i)) {
//copy the current board in each iteration
GameState newBoard = currentBoard.clone();
//check to see if the next player is min again or not...if it's next turn is min again set isMin true and isMax false...
if (newBoard.getNextPlayer() != maxPlayer) {
isMax = false;
isMin = true;
} else {
isMax = true;
isMin = false;
if (isMin) {
//if it's min turn it will excute this recursive function
value = MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(newBoard, currentDepth + 1, maxPlayer, isMax, isMin, maxDepth, alpha, beta,start_time,exceeded_time);
} else {
//if it's max turn it will excute this recursive function
value = MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(newBoard, currentDepth + 1, maxPlayer, isMax, isMin, maxDepth, alpha, beta,start_time,exceeded_time);
//if the value is less than the min value, it will store the value in min value and the i as the best move
if (value < minValue) {
minValue = value;
bestMove = i;
//if minimum value is smaller than beta value, then store minimum value as beta value
if (minValue < beta) {
beta = minValue;
//if the beta value is smaller than alpha value, then stop the iteration
if (beta <= alpha) {
//as long as the depth is greater than 1 we want to calculate the best value and return, but when the current depth is 1 we want to return the best move instead of best value
if (currentDepth != 1) {
bestMove = minValue;
//when the current depth equals to 1 it will return the best move
return bestMove;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if (currentBoard.getWinner() > -1) {
return bestMove;
for (int i = 1; currentBoard.getWinner() == -1; i++) //for (int i = 1; elapsed_time < timeLimit ; i++)
value = MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(currentBoard, 1, maxPlayer, isMax, isMin, i, alpha, beta, start_time, time_exceeded);
// code omitted for clarity
if (elapsed_time >= 4999) {
// code omitted for clarity
并考虑第二个功能的alpha beta搜索:
public int MinimaxIterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(GameState currentBoard, int currentDepth, int maxPlayer, boolean isMax, boolean isMin, int maxDepth, int alpha, int beta,long start_time,boolean exceeded_time) {
// code omitted for clarity
for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
//check to see if move is possible or not
if (currentBoard.moveIsPossible(i)) {
//copy the current board in each iteration
GameState newBoard = currentBoard.clone();
// code omitted for clarity
// code omitted for clarity
每个动作都是在游戏状态的克隆上进行的,这是正确的,因为在退出alpha-beta功能之前必须将动作反向。 但是,在迭代加深循环中,仅询问原始游戏状态游戏是否结束(并且对于原始游戏状态,游戏永不结束!)。 因此,循环将一直运行,直到达到时间限制为止。