我有一个大位矩阵的表示形式,在这里我想有效地检索每个矩阵列的多数位(^ =最经常出现的位值)。背景是矩阵行代表ORB特征描述符,而我正在寻找的值类似于Hamming域中的均值。
// holds column-sum for each bit
std::vector<int> sum(32 * 8, 0);
// cv::Mat mat is a matrix of values € [0, 255] filled elsewhere
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat.cols; ++i)
const cv::Mat &d = mat.row(i);
const unsigned char *p = d.ptr<unsigned char>();
// count bits set column-wise
for (int j = 0; j < d.cols; ++j, ++p)
if (*p & (1 << 7)) ++sum[j * 8];
if (*p & (1 << 6)) ++sum[j * 8 + 1];
if (*p & (1 << 5)) ++sum[j * 8 + 2];
if (*p & (1 << 4)) ++sum[j * 8 + 3];
if (*p & (1 << 3)) ++sum[j * 8 + 4];
if (*p & (1 << 2)) ++sum[j * 8 + 5];
if (*p & (1 << 1)) ++sum[j * 8 + 6];
if (*p & (1)) ++sum[j * 8 + 7];
cv::Mat mean = cv::Mat::zeros(1, 32, CV_8U);
unsigned char *p = mean.ptr<unsigned char>();
const int N2 = (int)mat.rows / 2 + mat.rows % 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sum.size(); ++i)
if (sum[i] >= N2)
// set bit in mean only if the corresponding matrix column
// contains more 1s than 0s
*p |= 1 << (7 - (i % 8));
if (i % 8 == 7) ++p;