Pandas具有非常方便的功能,可以使用pd.corr()对列进行成对关联。 这意味着可以比较任何长度的列之间的相关性。例如:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 10)))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 9 17 55 32 7 97 61 47 48 46
1 8 83 87 56 17 96 81 8 87 0
2 60 29 8 68 56 63 81 5 24 52
3 42 76 6 75 7 59 19 17 3 63
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1.000000 0.082789 -0.094096 -0.086091 0.163091 0.013210 0.167204 -0.002514 0.097481 0.091020
1 0.082789 1.000000 0.027158 -0.080073 0.056364 -0.050978 -0.018428 -0.014099 -0.135125 -0.043797
2 -0.094096 0.027158 1.000000 -0.102975 0.101597 -0.036270 0.202929 0.085181 0.093723 -0.055824
3 -0.086091 -0.080073 -0.102975 1.000000 -0.149465 0.033130 -0.020929 0.183301 -0.003853 -0.062889
4 0.163091 0.056364 0.101597 -0.149465 1.000000 -0.007567 -0.017212 -0.086300 0.177247 -0.008612
5 0.013210 -0.050978 -0.036270 0.033130 -0.007567 1.000000 -0.080148 -0.080915 -0.004612 0.243713
6 0.167204 -0.018428 0.202929 -0.020929 -0.017212 -0.080148 1.000000 0.135348 0.070330 0.008170
7 -0.002514 -0.014099 0.085181 0.183301 -0.086300 -0.080915 0.135348 1.000000 -0.114413 -0.111642
8 0.097481 -0.135125 0.093723 -0.003853 0.177247 -0.004612 0.070330 -0.114413 1.000000 -0.153564
9 0.091020 -0.043797 -0.055824 -0.062889 -0.008612 0.243713 0.008170 -0.111642 -0.153564 1.000000
答案 0 :(得分:1)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
df_corr = pd.DataFrame() # Correlation matrix
df_p = pd.DataFrame() # Matrix of p-values
for x in df.columns:
for y in df.columns:
corr = stats.pearsonr(df[x], df[y])
df_corr.loc[x,y] = corr[0]
df_p.loc[x,y] = corr[1]
mat = df.values.T
K = len(df.columns)
correl = np.empty((K,K), dtype=float)
p_vals = np.empty((K,K), dtype=float)
for i, ac in enumerate(mat):
for j, bc in enumerate(mat):
if i > j:
corr = stats.pearsonr(ac, bc)
#corr = stats.kendalltau(ac, bc)
correl[i,j] = corr[0]
correl[j,i] = corr[0]
p_vals[i,j] = corr[1]
p_vals[j,i] = corr[1]
df_p = pd.DataFrame(p_vals)
df_corr = pd.DataFrame(correl)
#pd.concat([df_corr, df_p], keys=['corr', 'p_val'])
答案 1 :(得分:0)
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
column_values = [column for column in df.columns.tolist() ]
df['Correlation_coefficent'], df['P-value'] = zip(*df.T.apply(lambda x: pearsonr(x[column_values ],x[column_values ])))
df_result = df[['Correlation_coefficent','P-value']]
答案 2 :(得分:0)
scipy.stats import kendalltau, pearsonr, spearmanr
def kendall_pval(x,y):
return kendalltau(x,y)[1]
def pearsonr_pval(x,y):
return pearsonr(x,y)[1]
def spearmanr_pval(x,y):
return spearmanr(x,y)[1]
corr = df.corr(method=pearsonr_pval)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
#call the correlation function, you could round the values if needed
df_c = df_c.corr().round(1)
#get the p values
pval = df_c.corr(method=lambda x, y: pearsonr(x, y)[1]) - np.eye(*rho.shape)
#set the p values, *** for less than 0.001, ** for less than 0.01, * for less than 0.05
p = pval.applymap(lambda x: ''.join(['*' for t in [0.001,0.01,0.05] if x<=t]))
#dfc_2 below will give you the dataframe with correlation coefficients and p values
df_c2 = df_c.astype(str) + p
#you could also plot the correlation matrix using sns.heatmap if you want
#plot the triangle
matrix = np.triu(df_c.corr())
#convert to array for the heatmap
df_c3 = df_c2.to_numpy()
#plot the heatmap
sns.heatmap(df_c, annot = df_c3, fmt='', vmin=-1, vmax=1, center= 0, cmap= 'coolwarm', mask = matrix)