
时间:2018-10-09 03:51:16

标签: java


基本上,我会得到塔的宽度高度对的数量,然后是实际的宽度和高度值,并且需要使用此数据来找到enter code here矩形的最大可能面积以适合内部多边形。

import java.util.*;
public class LargestRectInHist {
	// The main function to find the maximum rectangular area under histogram
    static int getMaxArea(int heights[], int size)  
        // Create an empty stack. The stack holds indexes of heights[] array 
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); 
        int max_area = 0; // Stores the current highest area found in heights[]
        int top;  // Stores the current height at the top of the stack 
        int area=0; // Stores current area
        // Run through all bars of given histogram 
        int i = 0; 
        while (i < size) 
            // If this bar is higher than the bar on top of the stack, push it on the stack 
            if (stack.empty() || heights[stack.peek()] <= heights[i]) 
            // If this bar is lower than the top of the stack, then calculate the area of the rectangle  
            // with the top of the stack as the smallest (or minimum height) bar. 'i' is  
            // 'right index' for the top and element before the top of the stack is 'left index' (or stack.peek())
                top = stack.peek();  // store the top index 
                stack.pop();  // pop the top 
                // Calculate the area with heights[top] stack as smallest bar 
                if(stack.empty()) {
                	area = heights[top] * i;
                }else {
                	area = heights[top] * (i-stack.peek()-1);
      // update max area, if needed 
                if (max_area < area) 
                    max_area = area; 
        // Now pop the remaining bars from stack and calculate area with every 
        // popped bar as the smallest bar 
        while (stack.empty() == false) 
            top = stack.peek(); 
            if(stack.empty()) {
            	area = heights[top] * i;
            }else {
            	area = heights[top] * (i-stack.peek()-1);
            if (max_area < area) 
                max_area = area; 
        return max_area; 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
		System.out.println("Enter the size of your sequence:");
		int size = scan.nextInt();
		int heights[] = new int[size]; 
		System.out.println("Please enter the list of integers separated by a space");
		for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
	        heights[i] = scan.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Maximum area is " + getMaxArea(heights, size)); 




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