大家好,所以我想在玩家和机器之间创建一个石头,纸,剪刀的游戏,然后根据结果对玩家和机器进行评分。问题是我的分数总是等于0,我听不懂! 请帮助大家,我也是新手...代码在这里
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class Game2
//Declaring my random object
private static Random random = new Random();
public static void main(String[] args)
//Declaring my variables
int playerScore = 0;
int machineScore = 0;
int totPlayerScore = 0;
int totMachineScore = 0;
//Instantiating my list object
List<String> dice = new ArrayList<>();
//We gon rename scissors to cuts for a shorter input
//Adding values to the list
//Paper beats rock, rock beats cuts, cuts beats paper
//For loop to play the game 3 times
for(int i = 0; i <3; i++)
//User input
String strInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter paper, rock or cuts");
//Randomizing the list
int index = random.nextInt(dice.size());
//If statement to see if the usr or machine won
if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "paper" && dice.get(index) == "rock")//win
playerScore += 1;
totPlayerScore += playerScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "rock" && dice.get(index) == "cuts")//win
playerScore += 1;
totPlayerScore += playerScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "cuts" && dice.get(index) == "paper")//Win
playerScore += 1;
totPlayerScore += playerScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "paper" && dice.get(index) == "paper")//Draw
playerScore = playerScore;
totPlayerScore += playerScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "rock" && dice.get(index) == "rock")//Draw
playerScore = playerScore;
totPlayerScore += playerScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "cuts" && dice.get(index) == "cuts")//Draw
playerScore = playerScore;
totPlayerScore += playerScore;
}//End of player if statement
//Start of machine if statement
if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "rock" && dice.get(index) == "paper")//win
machineScore += 1;
totMachineScore += machineScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "cuts" && dice.get(index) == "rock")//win
machineScore += 1;
totMachineScore += machineScore;
else if(strInput.toLowerCase() == "paper" && dice.get(index) == "cuts")//Win
machineScore += 1;
totMachineScore += machineScore;
//End of if statement
//Displaying user Results
System.out.println("User draw: " + strInput.toLowerCase() + " Machine draw: " + dice.get(index).toLowerCase());
System.out.println("User Score " + playerScore + " Machine Score " + machineScore + "\n");
}//End of for loop
//Displaying my final results
System.out.println("User Final score: " + totPlayerScore + " Machine Final score: " + totMachineScore + "\n");
//If statement to see who won, hte player or machine
if(totPlayerScore > totMachineScore)
System.out.println("The Player won!!!");
else if(totPlayerScore == totMachineScore)
System.out.println("Its a draw!!!");
System.out.println("The Machine won!!! \n");
//Console message to end the program and game
System.out.println("Game over!!!!!");
}//End of main
}//End of class