
时间:2018-10-05 15:11:45

标签: assembly x86-16 bootloader

我一直关注this tutorial,以了解如何检查和启用A20线。我想我理解了,但是有人可以帮我澄清一下吗?

该教程中已有的注释以; <comment>开始,

; The following code is public domain licensed

[bits 16]

; Function: check_a20
; Purpose: to check the status of the a20 line in a completely self-contained state-preserving way.
;          The function can be modified as necessary by removing push's at the beginning and their
;          respective pop's at the end if complete self-containment is not required.
; Returns: 0 in ax if the a20 line is disabled (memory wraps around)
;          1 in ax if the a20 line is enabled (memory does not wrap around)

    pushf                                  ;Backup the current flags onto the stack
                                           ;Backup the below registers onto the stack
    push ds                                ;|
    push es                                ;|
    push di                                ;|
    push si                                ;-----

    cli                                    ;Disable interupts

    xor ax, ax                             ; ax = 0
    mov es, ax                             ;es = ax

    not ax                                 ; ax = 0xFFFF
    mov ds, ax                             ; ds = ax

    mov di, 0x0500                         ;Boot signature part one (0x55)
    mov si, 0x0510                         ;Boot signature part two (0xAA)

    mov al, byte [es:di]                   ;al = value at AA:55
    push ax                                ;Backup ax register onto the stack

    mov al, byte [ds:si]                   ;al = value at 55:AA
    push ax                                ;Backup al onto the stack

    mov byte [es:di], 0x00                 ;Memory location AA:55 = 0
    mov byte [ds:si], 0xFF                 ;Memory location at 55:AA = 0xFF

    cmp byte [es:di], 0xFF                 ;Does value at AA:55 = 0xFF? If so, this means A20 is disabled

    pop ax                                 ;Restore saved ax register
    mov byte [ds:si], al                   ;Set 55:AA to al

    pop ax                                 ;Restore ax register
    mov byte [es:di], al                   ;set AA:55 to al

    mov ax, 0                              ;Return status of this function = 0 (Disabled)
    je check_a20__exit                     ;A20 is disabled. Go to check_a20__exit

    mov ax, 1                              ;Return status of this function = 1 (Enabled)

                                           ;Backup registers
    pop si
    pop di
    pop es
    pop ds
    popf                                   ;Backup flags

    ret                                    ;Return


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



(顺便说一下,0x550xAA并不是其中的一部分;我不确定您从何处获得这些数字。引导签名通常位于0x7dfe,即IIRC。)< / p>

答案 1 :(得分:2)




如果禁用了A20,则这两个位置互为别名。如果没有,他们就不会。这就是为什么它会存储两个不同的值,然后检查其中有什么。 (第二商店是否具有别名。)

