
时间:2018-09-18 18:23:54

标签: opengl opengl-es 3d glsl webgl


我意识到,虽然很容易获得像Utah teapot这样的球形的令人信服的结果,但是通过对平面或正方形几何体实施各向异性照明来获得美观的照明效果却要困难得多。

在阅读了nVIDIA的这篇论文Anisotropic Lighting using HLS之后,我开始玩以下着色器:

vec3 surfaceToLight(vec3 p) {
    return normalize(p - v_worldPos);
vec3 anisoVector() {
    return vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
void main() {
    vec3 texColor = vec3(0.0);
    vec3 N = normalize(v_normal); // Interpolated directions need to be re-normalized 
    vec3 L = surfaceToLight(lightPos);
    vec3 E = anisoVector();
    vec3 H = normalize(E + L);
    vec2 tCoords = vec2(0.0);
    tCoords.x = 2.0 * dot(H, N) - 1.0; //The value varies with the line of sight
    tCoords.y = 2.0 * dot(L, N) - 1.0; //each vertex has a fixed value
    vec4 tex = texture2D(s_texture, tCoords);
    //vec3 anisoColor = tex.rgb; // show texture color only
    //vec3 anisoColor = tex.aaa; // show anisotropic term only
    vec3 anisoColor = tex.rgb * tex.aaa;
    texColor += material.specular * light.color * anisoColor;
    gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor, u_opacity);


enter image description here

我知道我不能简单地将上述论文中描述的方法用于所有事情,但至少,对我而言,这似乎是实现快速 simulated 各向异性照明的一个很好的起点


  • 调整片段着色器这一部分的纹理坐标

    tCoords.x = 2.0 * dot(H, N) - 1.0;
    tCoords.y = 2.0 * dot(L, N) - 1.0;
  • 调整纹理内的Alpha通道的形状(在RGBA层和结果下方)

enter image description here




gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);


enter image description here

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