我正在使用html canvas 2d上下文在笛卡尔坐标系上渲染对象。
let faceAt = function (thisObject,positionX,positionY) {
let desiredLocationX = positionX - thisObject.transform.x;
let desiredLocationY = positionY -thisObject.transform.y;
thisObject.transform.rotation = Math.degrees(Math.atan2(desiredLocationY, desiredLocationX));
答案 0 :(得分:1)
let cv = document.getElementById("cv");
let ctx = cv.getContext("2d");
let angle = 0;
//Variables you can change:
let speed = 1; //Degrees to rotate per frame
let pointX = 250; //The x-coord to rotate around
let pointY = 250; //The y-coord to rotate around
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
setInterval(()=>{ //This code runs every 40ms; so that the animation looks smooth
angle = (angle + speed) % 360; //Increment the angle. Bigger changes here mean that the element will rotate faster. If we go over 360deg, reset back to 0.
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 400, 400); //Clear away the previous frame.
//Draw the point we are rotating around
ctx.save(); //Save the state before we transform and rotate the canvas; so we can go back to the unrotated canvas for the next frame
ctx.translate(pointX, pointY); //Move the origin (0, 0) point of the canvas to the point to rotate around. The canvas always rotates around the origin; so this will allow us to rotate around that point
ctx.rotate(angle*Math.PI/180); //Rotate the canvas by the current angle. You can use your Math.degrees function to convert between rads / degs here.
ctx.fillStyle = "#f00"; //Draw in red. This is also restored when ctx.restore() is called; hence the point will always be black; and the square will always be red.
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); //Draw the item we want rotated. You can draw anything here; I just draw a square.
ctx.restore(); //Restore the canvas state
}, 40);
//Boring event handler stuff
//Move the point to where the user clicked
//Not too robust; relys on the body padding not changing
//Really just for the demo
cv.addEventListener("click", (event)=>{
pointX = event.clientX - 10;
pointY = event.clientY - 10;
#cv {
border:solid 1px #000; /*Just so we can see the bounds of the canvas*/
body {
<canvas id="cv" width="400" height="400"></canvas><br>
Click on the canvas above to make the rectangle rotate around the point that was clicked.