
时间:2018-07-20 12:53:27

标签: r machine-learning svm perceptron quadratic-programming



在以下问题中,我们将PLA与SVM进行比较,硬边界为1   线性可分离的数据集。对于每次运行,您将创建自己的   目标函数f和数据集D。取d = 2并选择一条随机线   在飞机上作为目标函数f(通过随机抽取两个,   [-1上的均匀分布点1]×[-1; 1]然后走线   通过它们),其中线的一侧映射到+1,而   其他映射到-1。选择数据集的输入xn作为随机数   X中的点= [-1; 1]×[-1; 1],然后评估目标函数   每个xn以获得对应的输出yn。如果所有数据点都打开   在生产线的一侧,放弃运行并开始新的运行。启动PLA   与全零向量并为每个PLA选择错误分类的点   随机迭代。运行PLA查找最终假设gPLA和   衡量f和gPLA之间的差异,因为P [f(x)6 = gPLA(x)](您   可以准确地计算出该值,也可以通过生成一个   足够大的独立点集进行评估)。现在开始   通过对SVM进行相同数据求解来找到最终假设gSVM   min_w; b 1 / 2w ^ Tw s.t.使用二次编程yn *(w ^ T * xn + b)≥1   关于原始或双重问题。衡量f之间的分歧   和gSVM作为P [f(x)!= gSVM(x)],并计算支持数量   每次运行中得到的向量。


这些问题需要运行1000次迭代   针对样本中的N = 10和N = 100个数据点进行实验,   计算支持向量机方法表现更好的时间比例   而不是PLA方法,以及支持向量的数量。

我的尝试:我尝试使用quadprog软件包对R中的问题进行二次编程,以解决给定优化问题的对偶。 对于N = 100(3),我得到了支持向量平均数的正确答案,但是我对SVM性能优于PLA的比例的回答(对于N = 100,约为90%,对于N = 10,约为80% )超出了解决方案键的答案(N = 100时为70%,N = 10时为60%)。我的代码/概念中有毛刺吗?我在实施Solve.QP时非常谨慎。我在每一步都添加了注释,以表明我打算做什么。

N= 10 (resp 100)
runs = 1 # Initializing the number of runs
count = 0 # Count of number of times Eout for SVM < Eout for PLA (SVM performs better)
sv = matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 1000) # number of support vectors in each iteration
sv[,] = 0
  x <- runif(2, min = -1, max = 1) # Picking a random point in (-1, 1)
  y <- runif(2, min = -1, max = 1)
  fit = (lm(y~x))
  t = summary(fit)$coefficients[,1]
  f <- function(x){ # A random line in the plane
    t[2]*x + t[1]

  A = matrix(ncol=N, nrow=2) # Training data set, generated randomly, as required by question
  b = matrix(ncol=N, nrow=1)
  for(i in 1:N){
    A[, i] <- c(runif(2, min = -1, max = 1))
    b[1, i] <- sign(A[2, i] - f(A[1, i]))

if(length(range(b)) ==1){next} # Move to the next iteration if all training points lie on the same side of the line

w <- matrix(ncol=1, nrow=3) # Weight vector, to be calculated using PLA
  w[, 1] = 0
  g <- function(z){
    t(w) %*% z

  i = 1
  while(i < N+1){ # Running the Perceptron Learning Algorithm
    j = sample(1:N, 1)
    if((sign(g(c(1, A[, j]))) == b[1, j]) == 0){
      w = w + b[1, j]*c(1, A[, j])
    i = i + 1

  S = matrix(ncol=10000, nrow=2) # Testing data set, random points in XY plane
  for(v in 1:10000){
    S[, v] <- c(runif(2, min = -10000, max = 10000))

  m = 0 # counter of Eout(PLA)
  v = 1
  while(v < 10001){
    if(sign(g(c(1, S[, v]))) != sign(S[, v][2] - f(S[, v][1]))){
      m = m + 1
    v = v + 1

  # SVM 

# Implementing classification using the quadprog package, solve.QP command
  Dmat <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N)
  dvec <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = 1)
  Amat <- matrix(nrow= N+1, ncol = N)
  Amat[,] = 0
  bvec= matrix(nrow = N+1, ncol =1)
  for(i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:N){
      Dmat[i, j] = b[i]*b[j]*t(A[,i])%*%A[,j] 
      dvec[i,1] = 1
      if(i>1 && i==j+1) {
        Amat[i,j] <- 1
      else Amat[i,j] = 0
      bvec[i] = 0
  Dmat = Dmat + 10^(-8)*diag(N) # Done to solve the problem of non-positive definite matrix

  Amat[1,] = t(b)
  Amat[N+1,N]=1  # Amat has its first row as the vector b (as one constraint is b^T*alpha = 0), and the rest as identity because we need all alpha_i's greater than or equal to 0
  Amt = t(Amat)

  sol  <- solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amt, bvec, meq=1) #meq = 1 because the first inequality must be treated as an equality

  l = as.vector(sol["solution"])
  for(i in 1:N){
    alpha[i]=as.numeric(rapply(l,c)[i]) # alpha records the obtained parameters

  w1 = 0 # 2-column weight vector (excludes intercept term)
  for(n in 1:N){
    w1 = w1 + alpha[n]*b[n]*A[,n] # Formula for obtaining weights using alpha's

  for(n0 in 1:N){
    if(abs(alpha[n0]) > 10^(-1)){
      break   # Picking an index corresponding to an actual support vector
  for(n in 1:N){
    if(abs(alpha[n]) > 10^(-1) & alpha[n]>0){
      sv[cntr] = sv[cntr]+1  # Support vector counter
  w0 = (1-t(w1)%*%A[,n0]*b[n0])/b[n0] # Formula for first entry of final weight vector, corresponding to intercept term
  w2 = c(w0,w1) # final weight vector
  m1 = 0 # Eout counter for SVM
  v1 = 1

  g1 <- function(z){ #function: multiplication by the weight vector
    t(w2) %*% z

  while(v1 < 10001){ # Counting the number of errors
    if(sign(g1(c(1, S[, v1]))) != sign(S[, v1][2] - f(S[, v1][1]))){
      m1= m1 + 1
    v1 = v1 + 1

  if(m>m1){count = count + 1/1000} # If out-of-sample error m in PLA is higher than out-of-sample error in SVM, add to the count 
  runs = runs+1/1000
count*100   # corresponds to the percentage of times SVM performed better:
code yields about 90% for N =100 and about 80% for N = 10, but solution key says 70% for N = 100 and 60% for N = 10

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