答案 0 :(得分:4)
在段树中处理碎片的到达是一个简单的O(log n)时间下降。
处理购买请求也是O(log n)时间下降,然后在进行销售时进行更新。更新可以遍历大量的分段树,并且仅在分期付款的意义上是快速的 - 当且仅当在该价格范围内有件时才应输入间隔,并且应当在到达时将其移除的运行时间收费
答案 1 :(得分:2)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
import sys
class store:
def __init__(self):
self.sorted = [] # list of tuples (cost, amount) - sorted by cost
# btw: sorting of tuples is by its elements, so first by element 0
# that means it is sorted by cost, cheapest first
self.count = 0 # the global amount of ice in store
self.mergemap = {} # key = cost, value = tuple of (cost, amount)
# the mergemap prevents the creation of multiple tuples per priceclass
def request(self, n, money):
if self.count < n:
# if we have less ice in store than was requested -> unhappy
return False
pcsleft = n # we count down
# loop through each priceclass as x
for x in self.sorted:
# x[0] is cost, x[1] is the amount of ice of that price in store
if x[1] < pcsleft and x[0]*x[1] <= money:
# we found cheap ice, but there is not enough of it
pcsleft -= x[1]
money -= x[0]*x[1]
elif x[1] >= pcsleft and x[0]*pcsleft <= money:
# theres enough cheap ice, next iteration will not occour
pcsleft = 0
money -= x[0]*pcsleft
return False # the cheapest ice is too expensive
if pcsleft == 0 and money >= 0:
break # happy - break because for-each loop, not while
if money < 0: # just for kicks, should never happen
print "error"
# when we have cheap enough ice, we remove ice from storage
# we iterate through the priceclasses like before
# but when we remove ice from one category, either the loop ends
# or we completly deplete it so it can be removed
while n > 0: # subtract the bought count
x = self.sorted[0]
if x[1] > n: # the first priceclass has enough ice
x[1] -= n
self.count -= n
return True # were happy
elif x[1] == n:
del(self.mergemap[x[0]]) # remove from mergemap
self.sorted = self.sorted[1:] # completly remove priceclass
self.count -= n
return True
elif x[1] < n: #
n -= x[1]
self.count -= x[1]
self.sorted = self.sorted[1:]
return True
def arrive(self, n, cost):
if cost not in self.mergemap: # we dont have ice in that priceclass
# create a new tuple, actually list, cause tuples are immutable
x = [cost, n]
# resort, should be fast, cause its almost entirely sorted,
# and python has sorting magic :)
self.mergemap[cost] = x # insert into mergemap
# just update the tuple, via its reference in the mergemap
self.count += n # keep count correct
# O(n*logn)
if __name__=='__main__':
s = store()
i = 0
# we read from stdin
for line in sys.stdin:
#print line.strip()+" --> ",
req, count, cost = line.split(' ') # not error tolerant
if req == 'ARRIVE':
s.arrive(int(count), int(cost))
elif req == 'BUY':
if s.request(int(count), int(cost)):
print 'HAPPY '+str(i)
print 'UNHAPPY '+str(i)
print s.sorted # print out the left over ice