ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRegressionPeak]
@StudyID int
Declare @sStudyID VARCHAR(50)
Set @sStudyID = CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),@StudyID)
--We are selecting the distinct StudyID, Productnumber, ResponseID and mean
values 1 thorugh 6 from the CodeMeans table.
--Note that spCodeMeans must be run before running this stored procedure to
ensure response data exists in the CodeMeans table.
--We use IsNull values to pass zeroes where an average wasn't calculated os
that the polynomial regression can be calculated.
Select Distinct
cm.StudyID, cm.ProductNumber, cr.RespID,
ISNULL(cm.c1_mean,0) as c1, ISNULL(cm.c2_mean,0) as c2, ISNULL(cm.c3_mean,0) as c3, ISNULL(cm.c4_mean, 0) as c4,
ISNULL(cm.c5_mean,0) as c5, ISNULL(cm.c6_mean,0) as c6, ISNULL(cm.c7_mean,0) as c7, ISNULL(cm.c8_mean,0) as c8,
ISNULL(cm.c9_mean,0) as c9, ISNULL(cm.c10_mean,0) as c10, ISNULL(cm.c11_mean,0) as c11, ISNULL(cm.c12_mean,0) as c12,
ISNULL(cm.c13_mean,0) as c13, ISNULL(cm.c14_mean,0) as c14, ISNULL(cm.c15_mean,0) as c15, ISNULL(cm.c16_mean,0) as c16,
ISNULL(cm.c17_mean,0) as c17, ISNULL(cm.c18_mean,0) as c18, ISNULL(cm.c19_mean,0) as c19
from CodeMeans cm
inner join ClosedStudyResponses cr on cm.StudyID = cr.StudyID
cm.StudyID = @StudyID
--We are setting @inquery aka InputDataSet to be our initial dataset.
--R Services requires that a data.frame be passed to any calculations being
generated. As such, df is simply data framing the @inquery data.
--The res object holds the polynomial regression results by ProductNumber for
each of the averages in the @inquery resultset.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R'
, @script = N'
studymeans <- InputDataSet
df <- data.frame(studymeans)
means <- c(df$c1, df$c2, df$c3, df$c4, df$c5, df$c6, df$c7, df$c8, df$c9, df$c10, df$c11, df$c12, df$c13, df$c14,
df$c15, df$c16, df$c17, df$c18, df$c19)
res <- lm(df$StudyID ~ df$ProductNumber ~ df$RespID ~ poly(means,2))
, @input_data_1 = @inquery
, @output_data_1_name = N'res'
, @params = N'@StudyID int'
,@StudyID = @StudyID
--- Edit this line to handle the output data frame.
WITH RESULT SETS (([StudyID] int, [ProductNumber] int, [RespID] int, res