
时间:2018-06-12 13:34:17

标签: r regression linear-regression least-squares coefficients



df=data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10), sx=runif(10), sy=runif(10))
deming(y~x-1, df, xstd=sy, ystd=sy)
Error in lm.wfit(x, y, wt/ystd^2) : 'x' must be a matrix



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


很容易修复,你只需要更改原始功能中的2行。 打印无法正常工作,但可以解释输出。

deming.aux <- 
function (formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, cv = FALSE, 
          xstd, ystd, stdpat, conf = 0.95, jackknife = TRUE, dfbeta = FALSE, 
          x = FALSE, y = FALSE, model = TRUE) 

  deming.fit1 <- getAnywhere(deming.fit1)[[2]][[1]]
  deming.fit2 <- getAnywhere(deming.fit2)[[2]][[1]]

  Call <- match.call()
  indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action", "xstd", "ystd"), names(Call), nomatch = 0)
  if (indx[1] == 0) 
    stop("A formula argument is required")
  temp <- Call[c(1, indx)]
  temp[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(temp, parent.frame())
  Terms <- terms(mf)
  n <- nrow(mf)
  if (n < 3) 
    stop("less than 3 non-missing observations in the data set")
  xstd <- model.extract(mf, "xstd")
  ystd <- model.extract(mf, "ystd")
  Y <- as.matrix(model.response(mf, type = "numeric"))
  if (is.null(Y)) 
    stop("a response variable is required")
  wt <- model.weights(mf)
  if (length(wt) == 0) 
    wt <- rep(1, n)
  usepattern <- FALSE
  if (is.null(xstd)) {
    if (!is.null(ystd)) 
      stop("both of xstd and ystd must be given, or neither")
    if (missing(stdpat)) {
      if (cv) 
        stdpat <- c(0, 1, 0, 1)
      else stdpat <- c(1, 0, 1, 0)
    else {
      if (any(stdpat < 0) || all(stdpat[1:2] == 0) || all(stdpat[3:4] == 
        stop("invalid stdpat argument")
    if (stdpat[2] > 0 || stdpat[4] > 0) 
      usepattern <- TRUE
    else {
      xstd <- rep(stdpat[1], n)
      ystd <- rep(stdpat[3], n)
  else {
    if (is.null(ystd)) 
      stop("both of xstd and ystd must be given, or neither")
    if (!is.numeric(xstd)) 
      stop("xstd must be numeric")
    if (!is.numeric(ystd)) 
      stop("ystd must be numeric")
    if (any(xstd <= 0)) 
      stop("xstd must be positive")
    if (any(ystd <= 0)) 
      stop("ystd must be positive")
  if (conf < 0 || conf >= 1) 
    stop("invalid confidence level")
  if (!is.logical(dfbeta)) 
    stop("dfbeta must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (dfbeta & !jackknife) 
    stop("the dfbeta option only applies if jackknife=TRUE")
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, mf)
  if (ncol(X) != (1 + attr(Terms, "intercept"))) 
    stop("Deming regression requires a single predictor variable")
  xx <- X[, ncol(X), drop = FALSE]
  if (!usepattern) 
    fit <- deming.fit1(xx, Y, wt, xstd, ystd, intercept = attr(Terms, "intercept"))
  else fit <- deming.fit2(xx, Y, wt, stdpat, intercept = attr(Terms, "intercept"))
  yhat <- fit$coefficients[1] + fit$coefficients[2] * xx
  fit$residuals <- Y - yhat

  if (x) 
    fit$x <- X
  if (y) 
    fit$y <- Y
  if (model) 
    fit$model <- mf
  na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
  if (length(na.action)) 
    fit$na.action <- na.action
  fit$n <- length(Y)
  fit$terms <- Terms
  fit$call <- Call

deming.aux(y ~ x + 0, df, xstd=sy, ystd=sy)
[1] 0.000000 4.324481

[1] 0.2872988 0.7163073

[1] 2.516912

1   9.19499513
2   2.13037957
3   3.00064886
4   2.16751905
5   0.00168729
6   4.75834265
7   3.44108236
8   6.40028085
9   6.63531039
10 -1.48624851

            y          x     (xstd)     (ystd)
1   2.1459817 -1.6300251 0.48826221 0.48826221
2   1.3163362 -0.1882407 0.46002166 0.46002166
3   1.5263967 -0.3409084 0.55771660 0.55771660
4  -0.9078000 -0.7111417 0.81145673 0.81145673
5  -1.6768719 -0.3881527 0.01563191 0.01563191
6  -0.6114545 -1.2417205 0.41675425 0.41675425
7  -0.7783790 -0.9757150 0.82498713 0.82498713
8   1.1240046 -1.2200946 0.84072712 0.84072712
9  -0.3091330 -1.6058442 0.35926078 0.35926078
10  0.7215432  0.5105333 0.23674788 0.23674788

[1] 10

y ~ x + 0


1 .-加载包的内部功能。

deming.fit1 <- getAnywhere(deming.fit1)[[2]][[1]]
deming.fit2 <- getAnywhere(deming.fit2)[[2]][[1]]

2 .-找到问题并解决问题,通过示例逐步执行功能。

Y <- as.matrix(model.response(mf, type = "numeric"))
xx <- X[, ncol(X), drop = FALSE]

3 .-修正更改产生的其他可能错误。



Terry Therneau(deming的作者)向CRAN上传了一个新版本,解决了这个问题。