
时间:2018-06-05 14:28:46

标签: python curve-fitting lmfit circuit-diagram

我正在尝试使用导纳等式拟合数据,用于具有6个分量的rlc电路。我正在关注给出he[fit] 1的示例并插入我的等式。该等式是使用Mathcad简化的6分量电路导纳的实部。在附图中,x轴是欧米茄(w = 2 * pi * f),y是毫西门子的导纳。




enter image description here

from numpy import sqrt, pi, exp, linspace, loadtxt
from lmfit import  Model

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = loadtxt("C:/Users/susu/circuit_eq_real5.dat")
x = data[:, 0]
y = data[:, 1]

def circuit(x,C0,Cm,Lm,Rm,R0,Rs):

    return ((C0**2*Cm**2*Lm**2*R0*x**4)+(Rs*C0**2*Cm**2*Lm**2*x**4)+(C0**2*Cm**2*R0**2*Rm*x**2)+(Rs*C0**2*Cm**2*R0**2*x**2)+(C0**2*Cm**2*R0*Rm**2*x**2)+(2*Rs*C0**2*Cm**2*R0*Rm*x**2)+(Rs*C0**2*Cm**2*Rm**2*x**2)-(2*C0**2*Cm*Lm*R0*x**2)-(2*Rs*C0**2*Cm*Lm*x**2)+(C0**2*R0)+(Rs*C0**2)-(2*Rs*C0*Cm**2*Lm*x**2)+(2*Rs*C0*Cm)+(Cm**2*Rm)+(Rs*Cm**2))/((C0**2*Cm**2*Lm**2*x**4)+(C0**2*Cm**2*R0**2*x**2)+(2*C0**2*Cm**2*R0*Rm*x**2)+(C0**2*Cm**2*Rm**2*x**2)-(2*C0**2*Cm*Lm*x**2)+(C0**2)-(2*C0*Cm**2*Lm*x**2)+(2*C0*Cm)+(Cm**2))

gmodel = Model(circuit)
result = gmodel.fit(y, x=x, C0=1.0408*10**(-12), Cm=5.953*10**(-14), 
Lm=1.475*10**(-7), Rm=1.571, R0=2.44088, Rs=0.42)


plt.plot(x, y,         'bo')
plt.plot(x, result.init_fit, 'k--')
plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'r-')


 [[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method   = leastsq
# function evals   = 14005
# data points      = 237
# variables        = 6
chi-square         = 32134074.5
reduced chi-square = 139108.548
Akaike info crit   = 2812.71607
Bayesian info crit = 2833.52443
C0: -7.5344e-15 +/- 6.3081e-09 (83723736.65%) (init = 1.0408e-12)
Cm: -8.9529e-13 +/- 1.4518e-06 (162164237.47%) (init = 5.953e-14)
Lm:  2.4263e-06 +/- 1.94051104 (79978205.20%) (init = 1.475e-07)
Rm: -557.974399 +/- 1.3689e+09 (245334051.75%) (init = 1.571)
R0: -5178.53517 +/- 6.7885e+08 (13108904.45%) (init = 2.44088)
Rs:  2697.67659 +/- 7.3197e+08 (27133477.70%) (init = 0.42)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(R0, Rs) = -1.003
C(Rm, Rs) = -0.987
C(Rm, R0) =  0.973
C(C0, Lm) =  0.952
C(C0, Cm) = -0.502
C(Cm, R0) = -0.483
C(Cm, Rs) =  0.453
C(Cm, Rm) = -0.388
C(Cm, Lm) = -0.349
C(C0, R0) =  0.310
C(C0, Rs) = -0.248
C(C0, Rm) =  0.148

非常感谢M Newville和Mikuszefski等人的见解和反馈。我同意我把它放在一个程序中可能是一团糟。从python代码可以明显看出,我不熟悉Python或编程。

Mikuszefsky,感谢发布rlc示例代码。你的方法很整洁有趣。我不知道Python确实指向复杂的拟合。我会尝试你的方法,看看能否做到合适。我想要适合Y(入场)的实部和虚部。我肯定会被卡在某处,并会在这里发布我的进展。 最好, 素素

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这是一种用并联和串联连接清理RLC电路的方法。这避免了这种超长线并且难以检查功能。它还避免使用Matlab或类似程序,因为它直接计算电路。当然,它可以很容易地扩展OP的电路。正如M Newville所指出的,简单的契合失败了。另一方面,如果单位被缩放到自然单位,即使没有初始参数,它也可以工作。注意,结果通过缩放因子是正确的。人们需要知道至少一个组件值。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def r_l( w, l ):
    return 1j * w * l

def r_c( w, c ):
    return 1. / ( 1j * w * c )

def parallel( a, b ):
    return( 1. / ( 1./ a + 1. / b ) )

def series( a, b ):
    return a + b

# simple rlc band pass filter (to be extended)
def rlc_band( w , r, l, c ):
    lc = parallel( r_c( w , c ), r_l( w, l ) )
    return lc / series( r, lc )

def rlc_band_real( w , r, l, c ):
    return rlc_band( w , r, l, c ).real

def rlc_band_real_milli_nano( w , r, l, c ):
    return rlc_band_real( w , r, 1e-6 * l, 1e-9 * c ).real

wList = np.logspace( 5, 7, 25 )
wFullList = np.logspace( 5, 7, 500 )
rComplexList = np.fromiter( ( rlc_band(w, 12, 1.3e-5, 1e-7 ) for w in wList ), np.complex )
rList = np.fromiter( ( r.real for r in rComplexList ), np.float )
pList = np.fromiter( ( np.angle( r ) for r in rComplexList ), np.float )

fit1, pcov = curve_fit( rlc_band_real, wList, rList )
print fit1
print "does not work"

fit2, pcov = curve_fit( rlc_band_real_milli_nano, wList, rList )
print fit2
print "works, but is not unique (scaling is possible)"
print 12, fit2[1] * 12 / fit2[0], fit2[2] * fit2[0] / 12.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )

ax.plot( wList, rList , ls='', marker='o', label='data')
#~ ax.plot( wList, pList )
ax.plot( wFullList, [ rlc_band_real( w , *fit1 ) for w in wFullList ], label='naive fit')
ax.plot( wFullList, [ rlc_band_real_milli_nano( w , *fit2 ) for w in wFullList ], label='scaled units')
ax.legend( loc=0 )



>> /...minpack.py:785: OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated category=OptimizeWarning)
>> [1. 1. 1.]
>> does not work
>> [ 98.869924   107.10908434  12.13715912]
>> works, but is not unique (scaling is possible)
>> 12 13.0 100.0

fit in log scale

答案 1 :(得分:1)



那就是说,我也强烈建议您不要使用Farads和Henrys,而是使用picoFarads或nanoFarads和microHenrys。这将使值更接近于1(例如,顺序为1e-6到1e + 6),这将使其更容易完成其工作。