
时间:2018-06-01 16:03:07

标签: android xml-parsing kotlin

我正在尝试解析res > xml > my_file.xml上的XML资源文件。它似乎停留在第-1行,我不太明白为什么会这样。


class SPXMLParser(val context: Context){

    fun parse(): MutableList<Node> {
        Log.d("PONY", "We are inside SPXMLParser.parse()")
        val parser = context.resources.getXml(R.xml.my_file)
        Log.d("PONY", "Parser created text: ${parser.text} Parser line: ${parser.lineNumber}")
        return readFeed(parser)

    private fun readFeed(parser: XmlPullParser): MutableList<Node> {
        Log.d("PONY", "Inside readFeed")
        val entries = mutableListOf<Node>()
        Log.d("PONY", "Before while text: ${parser.text} Parser line: ${parser.lineNumber}")
        while (parser.eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
            Log.d("PONY", "While condition met text: ${parser.text} Parser line: ${parser.lineNumber}")
            val name = parser.name
            // Starts by looking for the entry tag
            if (name == "node") {
            } else {
        Log.d("PONY", "Before returning from readFeed")
        return entries
// ...
    private fun skip(parser: XmlPullParser) {
        Log.d("PONY", "Inside skip function")
        if (parser.eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
            Log.d("PONY", "About to throw up")
            throw IllegalStateException()
        var depth = 1
        while (depth != 0) {
            Log.d("PONY", "Inception loop")
            when (parser.next()) {
                XmlPullParser.END_TAG -> depth--
                XmlPullParser.START_TAG -> depth++
        Log.d("PONY", "Exit skip function")


06-01 15:51:01.972 12030-12030/com.example.learningtoparse D/PONY: We are inside onCreate
06-01 15:51:01.981 12030-12030/com.example.learningtoparse D/PONY: Parser has been created
    We are inside SPXMLParser.parse()
06-01 15:51:01.982 12030-12030/com.example.learningtoparse D/PONY: Parser created text: null Parser line: -1
    Inside readFeed
    Before while text: null Parser line: -1
    While condition met text: null Parser line: -1
    Else condition
    Inside skip function
    About to throw up



EDIT2:I found this question that might be related to mine。 但是,答案似乎有点不确定。我的文件中也有XML Prolog:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

该答案的建议是读取了XML Prolog但我们仍处于事件START_DOCUMENT,因为尚未读取根标记。

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