
时间:2018-05-10 22:31:46

标签: scikit-learn data-analysis linear-discriminant

我尝试使用sklearn LDA分析稀疏数据集(但不仅仅是那个,我还尝试过个人实现)。数据集有14列和一些不同数量的列,我选择这些列来运行不同的实验,保留那些具有最大差异的列。

            //database connection

            $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","eprodavnica");

            // function for getting ip address of the client
            /*In this PHP function, first attempt is to get the direct IP address of client’s machine, if not available then try for forwarded for IP address using HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR. And if this is also not available, then finally get the IP address using REMOTE_ADDR.*/

            function getIp()
                if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))   //check ip from share internet
                elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))   //to check ip is pass from proxy
                return $ip;

            //adding a single product to cart

            function cart() {

                if(isset($_GET['add_cart'])) {

                    global $con;

                    $ip = getIp();

                    $pro_id = $_GET['add_cart'];

                    $run_check = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM cart WHERE ip_add = '$ip' AND p_id = '$pro_id'") or die(mysqli_error($con));

                    if(mysqli_num_rows($run_check)>0) {

                        echo "";
                    } else {

                    $run_pro = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO cart (p_id, ip_add, qty) values ('$pro_id','$ip',1)") or die(mysqli_error($con));

                    echo "<script>window.open('index.php','_self')</script>";

            //getting the total added items

            function totalItems() {
                if(isset($_GET['add_cart'])) {

                    global $con;

                    $ip = getIp();

                    $run_items = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM cart WHERE ip_add='$ip'");

                    $count_items = mysqli_num_rows($run_items);

                } else {
                    global $con;

                    $ip = getIp();

                    $run_items = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM cart WHERE ip_add='$ip'") or die(mysqli_error($con));

                    $count_items = mysqli_num_rows($run_items);

                echo $count_items;


            //getting the total Price of items in the cart

            function totalPrice() {

                $total = 0;

                global $con;

                $ip = getIp();

                $run_price = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM cart WHERE ip_add = '$ip'");

                while($row_pro_price = mysqli_fetch_array($run_price)) {

                    $pro_id = $row_pro_price['p_id'];

                    $run_pro_price2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id = '$pro_id'");

                    while($row_pro_price2 = mysqli_fetch_array($run_pro_price2)) {

                        $pro_price = array($row_pro_price2['product_price']);

                        $pro_price_values = array_sum($pro_price);

                        $total += $pro_price_values;


                echo "$" . $total;

            //getting the categories

            function getCats() {

                global $con;

                $run_cats = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM categories");

                while($row_cats = mysqli_fetch_array($run_cats)) {

                    $cat_id = $row_cats['cat_id'];
                    $cat_title = $row_cats['cat_title'];

                    echo "<li>
                        <a href='index.php?cat=$cat_id'>$cat_title</a>


            //getting the brands

            function getBrands() {

                global $con;

                $run_brands = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM brands");

                while($row_brands = mysqli_fetch_array($run_brands)) {

                    $brand_id = $row_brands['brand_id'];
                    $brand_title = $row_brands['brand_title'];

                    echo "<td>

                        <a href='index.php?brand=$brand_id'>$brand_title</a>



            //getting products on main page

            function getPro() {

                    if(!isset($_GET['brands'])) {

                global $con;

                $run_pro = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,9");

                while($row_pro = mysqli_fetch_array($run_pro)) {

                    $pro_id = $row_pro['product_id'];
                    $pro_cat = $row_pro['product_cat'];
                    $pro_brand = $row_pro['product_brand'];
                    $pro_title = $row_pro['product_title'];
                    $pro_price = $row_pro['product_price'];
                    $pro_image = $row_pro['product_image'];

                        echo "
                        <div class='single-product cf'>

                        <h4><a href='#'>$pro_title</a></h4>
                        <a href='details.php?pro_id=$pro_id'><img src='admin/product_images/$pro_image' /></a>
                        Price: $ $pro_price

                        <a href='index.php?add_cart=$pro_id'><button>Add To Cart</button></a>



            //getting the category products

            function getCatPro() {


                    $cat_id = $_GET['cat'];

                global $con;

                $run_cat_pro = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_cat = '$cat_id'");

                $count_cats = mysqli_num_rows($run_cat_pro);

                if($count_cats == 0) {

                    echo "<div class='no-cat'>

                    <h1> We're sorry! There are currently no products with that category. :(</h1>

                } else {

                while($row_cat_pro = mysqli_fetch_array($run_cat_pro)) {

                    $pro_id = $row_cat_pro['product_id'];
                    $pro_cat = $row_cat_pro['product_cat'];
                    $pro_brand = $row_cat_pro['product_brand'];
                    $pro_title = $row_cat_pro['product_title'];
                    $pro_price = $row_cat_pro['product_price'];
                    $pro_image = $row_cat_pro['product_image'];

                        echo "
                        <div class='single-product cf'>

                        <h4><a href='#'>$pro_title</a></h4>
                        <a href='details.php?pro_id=$pro_id'><img src='admin/product_images/$pro_image' /></a>
                        Price: $ $pro_price

                        <a href='index.php?add_cart=$pro_id'><button>Add To Cart</button></a>



            //getting the brand products (in this case sex)

            function getBrandPro() {


                    $brand_id = $_GET['brand'];

                global $con;

                $run_brand_pro = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_brand = '$brand_id'") or die(mysqli_error($con));

                $count_brands = mysqli_num_rows($run_brand_pro);

                if($count_brands == 0) {

                    echo "<div class='no-cat'>

                    <h1> We're sorry! There are currently no products for that sex. :(</h1>

                } else {

                while($row_brand_pro = mysqli_fetch_array($run_brand_pro)) {

                    $pro_id = $row_brand_pro['product_id'];
                    $pro_cat = $row_brand_pro['product_cat'];
                    $pro_brand = $row_brand_pro['product_brand'];
                    $pro_title = $row_brand_pro['product_title'];
                    $pro_price = $row_brand_pro['product_price'];
                    $pro_image = $row_brand_pro['product_image'];

                        echo "
                        <div class='single-product cf'>

                        <h4><a href='#'>$pro_title</a></h4>
                        <a href='details.php?pro_id=$pro_id'><img src='admin/product_images/$pro_image' /></a>
                        Price: $ $pro_price

                        <a href='index.php?add_cart=$pro_id'><button>Add To Cart</button></a>




如果我使用2个或更多组件,或者如果我保留所有组件或只有两个组件具有最大差异,则无关紧要,因此我总是得到1列。 为什么我只获得一列?申请LDA有哪些要求?

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