该函数用于获取整数0到(N ** 2-1)的加扰列表,并返回移动列表以达到求解状态,其中移动是x和y坐标的列表(例如[2,2]表示在3x3拼图中移动右下角)。我知道只有某些电路板可以解决,我测试代码的电路板绝对是可以解决的。
我尝试实现A *搜索,但似乎有一些问题,因为对于许多电路板我正在堆栈溢出。我在下面的代码中使用的板导致堆栈溢出,但是这个板将在大约20秒后返回正确的移动序列(这似乎太长了): [7,2,8,1,5,6,0,3,4]
据我所知,对于一个8-puzzle的强制执行可能就好像不比A *更可行,但如果我的代码也可以用于15-puzzle,我也会喜欢它。
import math
import copy
#Making move on board
def makeMove(board, move):
L = int(math.sqrt(len(board)))
copyBoard = copy.copy(board)
zI = copyBoard.index(L**2-1)
#Calculating move index in 1D list based off of x/y coords
moveI = move[0] + L*move[1]
copyBoard[zI], copyBoard[moveI] = copyBoard[moveI], copyBoard[zI]
return copyBoard
#Function to find the board based off of the given path
def makeMoves(board, path):
newBoard = copy.deepcopy(board)
for move in path:
newBoard = makeMove(newBoard, move)
return newBoard
def mDist(board): #Calculating manhattan distance of board
totalDist = 0
L = int(math.sqrt(len(board)))
for i in range(int(L**2)):
#Finding sum of differences between x and y coordinates
cX, cY = i % L, i // L
fX, fY = board[i] % L, board[i] // L
dX, dY = abs(cX-fX), abs(cY - fY)
totalDist += (dX+dY)
return totalDist
def nDisp(board):
score = 0
for i in range(len(board)):
if i != board[i]:
score += 1
return score
def getLegalMoves(board):
finalMoves = []
L = int(math.sqrt(len(board)))
#Finding the coordinates of the blank
zI = board.index(L**2-1)
zX, zY = zI % L, zI // L
#Finding possible moves from that blank
testMoves = [[zX+1, zY], [zX-1, zY], [zX, zY+1], [zX, zY-1]]
for move in testMoves:
if isLegalMove(move, L):
return finalMoves
def isLegalMove(move, L):
#Move is legal if on board
for i in move:
if i < 0 or i >= L:
return False
return True
def solve(board):
queue = [] #List of paths, where a path is a sequence of moves
for move in getLegalMoves(board): #Getting initial paths
def search(queue, board):
bestScore = math.inf
bestPath = None
for path in queue:
#Score based off of A* = estimated distance to finish + current distance
dist = mDist(makeMoves(board, path))
score = dist + len(path)
#Checking if solved
if dist == 0:
return path
#Finding best path that has not already been expanded
if score < bestScore:
bestScore = score
bestPath = path
#Removing the path since it is going to be expanded
bestPathBoard = makeMoves(board, bestPath)
#Expanding the path
for move in getLegalMoves(bestPathBoard):
newPath = bestPath + [move]
return search(queue, board)
return search(queue, board)
print(solve([8, 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 2, 5, 4]))