
时间:2018-04-25 14:12:49

标签: angular rxjs observable angular-http

如果发生内部服务器错误,我会使用 backoff 方法的概念来重试请求。我的意思是不是 401 403 或类似的。我的目标是在服务器没有响应和/或发送响应时间过长时重试请求,例如在 pending 状态的情况下。我确实为此定义了超时限制(在服务中)。

我的问题是,所有案例/错误都会调用 retryWhen 功能,包括 401


retryWhen 函数返回一个可观察的流,指示何时重试,因此它无法在我的代码中工作。

public userLogin(userName, userPass: string) {
    this.theService.login(userName, userPass)
        .retryWhen(attempts => Observable.range(1, 3)
            .zip(attempts, i => i)
            .mergeMap(i => {
                console.log("delay retry by " + i + " second(s)");
                // Show a message to user to wait
                if ( i === 3 ) {
                    // Show Server doesn't respond... try later
                return Observable.timer(i * 3000);
        res => {
            // handle and show response result
        err => {
            if ( err === 401 ) {
                // handle 401 error
            } else {
                // handle other error

以下question也是一种处理相同问题的方法,我尝试使用有关mergeMap(error => {...})的提示,但它对我没有用。

如果内部服务器出现错误或某种情况,请问我应该如何重构我的代码以重试请求?我提到没有 401 403 或类似内容。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


 * Performs a retry on an exponential backoff with an upper bounds.
 * Will rethrow the error if it is in the blacklist or the retry
 * attempts have exceeded the maximum.
 * @param {number} initialDelay
 * @param {number} maxRetry - maximum number of times to retry
 * @param {number[]} errorWhiteList - whitelist of errors to retry on (non-transient)
function expontentialRetry(
) {
  return (errors) => errors.scan((retryAttempts, error) => {
      if(!errorWhiteList.includes(error.status) || retryAttempts > maxRetry) {
        throw error;
      return retryAttempts + 1;
    }, 0).switchMap((retryAttempts) => {
        // calculate exponential backoff
        let delay = Math.pow(2, retryAttempts - 1) * initialDelay;
        console.log(`Retry attempt #${retryAttempts} in ${delay}ms`);
        return Rx.Observable.timer(delay);

let count = 0;
const fakeApiCall = Rx.Observable.create((o) => {
  if (count < 5) {
    o.error({ status: 504 });
  } else {
    o.error({ status: 500 });

fakeApiCall.retryWhen(expontentialRetry(100, 10, [504]))
  (x) => { console.log('next', x); },
  (error) => { console.log('error', error); },
  () => { console.log('complete'); }
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