void AVL_Tree::insert(const Tree & x, avl_node* & t){
//cout << "in avltree insert with 2 param" << endl;
if(t == NULL){ //empty tree or does not exist in tree
//cout << "adding new node" << endl;
avl_node* p = new avl_node(x, NULL, NULL, 0);
t = p;
cout << "added new node success" << endl;
else if(x < t->element){
cout << " x < t element" << endl;
insert(x, t->left);
cout << "inserted LEFT" << endl;
if((get_height(t->left))-(get_height(t->right)) == 2){ //balance factor = 2
if(x < t->left->element){ //inserted to the left subtree of the left child
cout << "LL rotation" << endl;
else{ //inserted to the right subtree of the left child
cout << "LR rotation" << endl;
else if(t->element < x){
cout << " x > t eleemtn " << endl;
insert(x, t->right);
cout << "inserted RIGHT" << endl;
if((get_height(t->right))-(get_height(t->left)) == 2){ //balance factor = 2
if(t->right->element < x){ //inserted into the right subtree of the right child
cout << "RR rotation" << endl;
else{ //inserted into the left subtree of the right child
cout << "RL rotation" << endl;
else{ //duplicate; do not need to insert into tree
cout << " duplicate? " << endl;
t->height = max(get_height(t->left), get_height(t->right)) + 1; //saves the height of the AVL tree after insertion
void AVL_Tree::print (ostream & out, avl_node* t) const{
if(t != NULL){
print(out, t->left);
out << t->element << endl;
print(out, t->right);