module alu(input logic [31:0] a, b,
input logic [2:0] f,
output logic [31:0] y,
output logic zero);
wire [31:0] ANDed, ORed, SLT, sum, cout, bn;
wire set_less;
reg zero_detect;
genvar i;
//This segment will take 2s complement of B
for(i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin
assign bn[i] = b[i] ^ f[2];
//This segment will compute the 32-bit addition
assign sum[0] = (a[0] ^ bn[0]) ^ f[2];
assign cout[0] =(a[0] & bn[0]) | ((a[0] ^ bn[0]) & f[2]);
for(i = 1; i < 32; i = i +1) begin
assign sum[i] = (a[i] ^ bn[i]) ^ cout[i-1];
assign cout[i] = (a[i] & bn[i]) | ((a[i] ^ bn[i]) & cout[i-1]);
//This segment will complete the AND operation
assign ANDed = a & bn;
//This segment will complete the OR operation
assign ORed = a | bn;
//set less than, A < B then the first digit of the sum will be 1
assign set_less = sum[31];
assign SLT = {{31'b0000000000000000000000000000000}, set_less};
//Set the zero flag if there aren't any 1's in the output
assign zero = !(|y);
//select the output based on the function input
assign y = f[1] ? (f[0] ? SLT : sum )
: (f[0] ? ORed : ANDed);
错误(10170):文本附近的Verilog HDL语法错误: “对于”;期待“endmodule”。检查并修复任何语法错误 出现在指定关键字之前或之前。
错误(10170):文本附近的Verilog HDL语法错误: “对于”;期待“endmodule”。检查并修复任何语法错误 出现在指定关键字之前或之前。
错误(10170):文本附近的Verilog HDL语法错误: “结束”;期待“endmodule”。检查并修复任何语法错误 出现在指定关键字之前或之前。
错误(10112):由于之前的原因,在处忽略了设计单元“alu” 错误
答案 0 :(得分:-1)