
时间:2018-03-04 04:27:28

标签: svg

我想在SVG中制作Archimedean spiral

created a spiral有四个二次贝塞尔点,但我不知道我应该把控制点放在哪里以获得完美的阿基米德螺旋:

<path class="spiral" 
  d="M100 50 
     C 100 116 12.5 99.5 12.5 50 
     C 12.5 0.5 75 9 75 50 
     C 75 83 37.5 74 37.5 50
     C 37.5 38 50 42 50 50"
  stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="none">

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我想在math.stackexchange处扩展Zev Eisenberg提出的问题。从那以后,Zev implented a solution作为C函数。它使用二次贝塞尔曲线而不是立方体,但其优点是可以自由设置路径部分的角度,从而最大限度地减少误差。

这是一个Javascript端口。根据自己的喜好将参数设置为getPath(角度为度)。 thetaStep是每个路径部分涵盖的角度。我认为30°给出了相当不错的结果。

function lineIntersection (m1, b1, m2, b2) {
    if (m1 === m2) {
        throw new Error("parallel slopes");
    const x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2);
    return {x: x, y: m1 * x + b1};

function pStr (point) {
  return `${point.x},${point.y} `;

function getPath (center, startRadius, spacePerLoop, startTheta, endTheta, thetaStep) {
    // Rename spiral parameters for the formula r = a + bθ
    const a = startRadius;  // start distance from center
    const b = spacePerLoop / Math.PI / 2; // space between each loop

    // convert angles to radians
    let oldTheta = newTheta = startTheta * Math.PI / 180;
    endTheta = endTheta * Math.PI / 180;
    thetaStep = thetaStep * Math.PI / 180;

    // radii
    let oldR,
        newR = a + b * newTheta;

    // start and end points
    const oldPoint = {x: 0, y: 0};
    const newPoint = {
        x: center.x + newR * Math.cos(newTheta), 
        y: center.y + newR * Math.sin(newTheta)

    // slopes of tangents
    let oldslope,
        newSlope = (b * Math.sin(oldTheta) + (a + b * newTheta) * Math.cos(oldTheta)) /
                   (b * Math.cos(oldTheta) - (a + b * newTheta) * Math.sin(oldTheta));

    let path = "M " + pStr(newPoint);
    while (oldTheta < endTheta - thetaStep) {
        oldTheta = newTheta;
        newTheta += thetaStep;

        oldR = newR;
        newR = a + b * newTheta;

        oldPoint.x = newPoint.x;
        oldPoint.y = newPoint.y;
        newPoint.x = center.x + newR * Math.cos(newTheta);
        newPoint.y = center.y + newR * Math.sin(newTheta);

        // Slope calculation with the formula:
        // (b * sinΘ + (a + bΘ) * cosΘ) / (b * cosΘ - (a + bΘ) * sinΘ)
        const aPlusBTheta = a + b * newTheta;

        oldSlope = newSlope;
        newSlope = (b * Math.sin(newTheta) + aPlusBTheta * Math.cos(newTheta)) /
                   (b * Math.cos(newTheta) - aPlusBTheta * Math.sin(newTheta));

        const oldIntercept = -(oldSlope * oldR * Math.cos(oldTheta) - oldR * Math.sin(oldTheta));
        const newIntercept = -(newSlope * newR* Math.cos(newTheta) - newR * Math.sin(newTheta));

        const controlPoint = lineIntersection(oldSlope, oldIntercept, newSlope, newIntercept);

        // Offset the control point by the center offset.
        controlPoint.x += center.x;
        controlPoint.y += center.y;

        path += "Q " + pStr(controlPoint) + pStr(newPoint);
    return path;

const path = getPath({x:400,y:400}, 0, 50, 0, 6*360, 30);

const spiral = document.querySelector('#spiral');
spiral.setAttribute("d", path);
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="400" height="400" viewBox="0 0 800 800">
    <path id="spiral" d="" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"/>

答案 1 :(得分:1)


在矢量编辑器工具栏中,选择螺旋(F9),您可以在其中选择螺旋参数 - 转数,内半径。

保存文件。我们需要字符串<path> ... </ path>复制它。

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="50%" heihgt="50%" viewBox="0 150 744 1052">
<path d="m351 487c0 8-11 4-14-1-6-11 4-24 15-27 19-5 37 11 40 30 4 27-18 50-44 53-35 4-64-25-66-59-3-42 32-77 73-79 50-3 90 39 92 88 2 57-46 104-102 105-65 2-117-53-119-117-1-72 60-131 131-132 80-1 144 67 145 146 1 87-74 158-160 158-95 0-171-81-171-175 0-102 88-185 190-184 110 1 198 95 197 204C557 615 456 709 340 708 215 706 115 598 117 475 119 342 233 236 364 238 504 240 616 361 614 500 611 648 484 766 337 763 182 760 58 626 61 472 65 309 206 179 367 183c170 4 306 151 302 320-4 178-158 319-335 315" fill="none" stroke="grey" stroke-width="3"/>


对于螺旋图的动画,我们将使用补丁属性stroke-dashoffset - 从行的开头缩进。如果最大缩进等于行(补丁)的长度,则该行不可见。使用stroke-dashoffset = "0"时,线条将完全绘制。


找出该行的长度 - var len = Math.round (path.getTotalLength ()); 对于我们的补丁 - 6265px

<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="50%" heihgt="50%" viewBox="0 150 744 1052" id="svg2" version="1">
     <path  stroke-dashoffset="6265" stroke-dasharray="6265" d="m351 487c0 8-11 4-14-1-6-11 4-24 15-27 19-5 37 11 40 30 4 27-18 50-44 53-35 4-64-25-66-59-3-42 32-77 73-79 50-3 90 39 92 88 2 57-46 104-102 105-65 2-117-53-119-117-1-72 60-131 131-132 80-1 144 67 145 146 1 87-74 158-160 158-95 0-171-81-171-175 0-102 88-185 190-184 110 1 198 95 197 204C557 615 456 709 340 708 215 706 115 598 117 475 119 342 233 236 364 238 504 240 616 361 614 500 611 648 484 766 337 763 182 760 58 626 61 472 65 309 206 179 367 183c170 4 306 151 302 320-4 178-158 319-335 315" style="fill:none;stroke:#000" stroke-width="2">
	 <animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" values="6265;0;6265;0" dur="15s" fill="freeze" /> 



#spiral {
  stroke: dodgerblue;
  stroke-dasharray: 6265;
  stroke-dashoffset: 6265;
  transition: stroke-dashoffset 10s;

#spiral:hover {
  stroke-dashoffset: 0;
svg text {
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="50%" heihgt="50%" viewBox="0 150 744 1052" id="svg2" version="1"  >
     <path id="spiral"  stroke-dashoffset="6265" stroke-dasharray="6265"  d="m351 487c0 8-11 4-14-1-6-11 4-24 15-27 19-5 37 11 40 30 4 27-18 50-44 53-35 4-64-25-66-59-3-42 32-77 73-79 50-3 90 39 92 88 2 57-46 104-102 105-65 2-117-53-119-117-1-72 60-131 131-132 80-1 144 67 145 146 1 87-74 158-160 158-95 0-171-81-171-175 0-102 88-185 190-184 110 1 198 95 197 204C557 615 456 709 340 708 215 706 115 598 117 475 119 342 233 236 364 238 504 240 616 361 614 500 611 648 484 766 337 763 182 760 58 626 61 472 65 309 206 179 367 183c170 4 306 151 302 320-4 178-158 319-335 315" />
	  <text x="10" y="200"   > Mouse over </text>

答案 2 :(得分:0)



// pathId the id of the path element to modify.
// centreX, centreY: the position of the centre of the spiral.
// startRadius: radius at start (inside) of spiral.
// endRadius: radius after one complete (360deg) rotation.
// quarterTurns: the number of quarter turns to generate.

function makeSpiral(pathId, centreX, centreY, startRadius, endRadius, quarterTurns)
  var pointsPerQuarter = 90;
  var radiusStep = (endRadius - startRadius) / 4 / pointsPerQuarter;
  var points = [];

  for (var i=0; i < quarterTurns * pointsPerQuarter; i++)
    var radius = startRadius + radiusStep * i;
    var angle = i * Math.PI / 2 / pointsPerQuarter;
    points.push(radius * Math.cos(angle));
    points.push(radius * Math.sin(angle));
  document.getElementById(pathId).setAttribute("points", points.join(','));

makeSpiral("spiral", 0, 0, 1, 2, 31);
<svg width="300" viewBox="-10 -10 20 20">

  <g class="arc" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="0.05">
    <polyline id="spiral" points=""/>





You can read about one approach to calculate this here.

该页面上的第一种方法是(4/3)*(sqrt(2) - 1),这是最常用的值。

<svg width="300" viewBox="-0.5 -0.5 2 2">

  <g class="axes" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.01">
    <line x2="1.1" y2="0"/>
    <line x2="0" y2="1.1"/>

  <g class="arc" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="0.01">
    <path d="M 1,0 C 1,0.552, 0.552,1, 0,1"/>




// pathId the id of the path element to modify.
// centreX, centreY: the position of the centre of the spiral.
// startRadius: radius at start (inside) of spiral.
// endRadius: radius after one complete (360deg) rotation.
// quarterTurns: the number of quarter turns to generate.

function makeSpiral(pathId, centreX, centreY, startRadius, endRadius, quarterTurns)
  var radiusStep = (endRadius - startRadius) / 4;
  var FACTOR = 0.5522847498;

  var step = 0;
  var radius = startRadius;
  var nextRadius = radius + radiusStep;
  var d = "M " + (centreX + startRadius) + "," + centreY;

  while (step < quarterTurns)
    switch(step % 4)
      case 0:
        d += "c" + [0, radius * FACTOR, -radius + nextRadius * FACTOR, nextRadius, -radius, nextRadius].join(',');

      case 1:
        d += "c" + [-radius * FACTOR, 0, -nextRadius, -radius + nextRadius * FACTOR, -nextRadius, -radius].join(',');

      case 2:
        d += "c" + [0, -radius * FACTOR, radius - nextRadius * FACTOR, -nextRadius, radius, -nextRadius].join(',');

      case 3:
        d += "c" + [radius * FACTOR, 0, nextRadius, radius - nextRadius * FACTOR, nextRadius, radius].join(',');
    radius = nextRadius;
    nextRadius += radiusStep;

  document.getElementById(pathId).setAttribute("d", d);

function makePolylineSpiral(pathId, centreX, centreY, startRadius, endRadius, quarterTurns)
  var pointsPerQuarter = 90;
  var radiusStep = (endRadius - startRadius) / 4 / pointsPerQuarter;
  var points = [];

  for (var i=0; i < quarterTurns * pointsPerQuarter; i++)
    var radius = startRadius + radiusStep * i;
    var angle = i * Math.PI / 2 / pointsPerQuarter;
    points.push(radius * Math.cos(angle));
    points.push(radius * Math.sin(angle));
  document.getElementById(pathId).setAttribute("points", points.join(','));

makePolylineSpiral("reference-spiral", 0, 0, 1, 2, 4);
makeSpiral("spiral", 0, 0, 1, 2, 4);
<svg width="300" viewBox="-2 -2 5 5">

  <g class="arc" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="0.1">
    <polyline id="reference-spiral" points="" stroke="red"/>
    <path id="spiral" d=""/>



