class ListenerVilma:
def __init__(self):
self.orientation = None
self.velocity = None
self.gps = None
def orientation_callback(self, msg):
self.orientation = msg
def velocidade_callback(self, msg):
self.velocity = msg
def gps_callback(self, msg):
self.gps = msg
def compute_stuff(self):
# **********************
# Latitude of the veicule
# **********************
latitude = self.gps.latitude
# *************************
# Longitude of the veicule
# ************************
longitude = self.gps.longitude
# *********************
# wheel orientation
# *********************
Orientation_gauche = self.orientation.data[0]
Orientation_droite = self.orientation.data[1]
# *****************
# wheel velocity
# *****************
vitesse_avant_gauche = np.sqrt((self.velocity.data[0]*self.velocity.data[0]) + (self.velocity.data[1]*self.velocity.data[1]) + (self.velocity.data[2]*self.velocity.data[2]))
vitesse_avant_droite = np.sqrt((self.velocity.data[3]*self.velocity.data[3]) + (self.velocity.data[4]*self.velocity.data[4]) + (self.velocity.data[5]*self.velocity.data[5]))
vitesse_arriere_droite = np.sqrt((self.velocity.data[6]*self.velocity.data[6]) + (self.velocity.data[7]*self.velocity.data[7]) + (self.velocity.data[8]*self.velocity.data[8]))
vitesse_arriere_gauche = np.sqrt((self.velocity.data[9]*self.velocity.data[9])+ (self.velocity.data[10]*self.velocity.data[10]) + (self.velocity.data[11]*self.velocity.data[11]))
# *****
# Data
# *****
# Les donnees sont inscrites dans un tableau et elles sont classees
# dans l'ordre suivant:
z_k1 = np.array([[Orientation_gauche], # rear left wheel orientation
[Orientation_droite], # rear right wheel orientation
[vitesse_arriere_gauche], # rear left wheel velocity
[vitesse_arriere_droite], # rear right wheel velocity
[vitesse_avant_gauche], # front left wheel velocity
[vitesse_avant_droite]]) # front right wheel velocity
angle_moyen = (z_k1[0]+z_k1[1])/2
# Matrix Q
Q_k1 = np.array([[0.1,0], # erreur de process pour la distance parcourue
[0,0.1]]) # erreur de process pourll'angle ed estarcamento
# Matrix F
F_k1 = np.array([[1,0],
# Matrix R
R_k1 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
# lenght veicule
L = 3.5
# lenght between two wheel
e = 0.375
# Delta t.
delta_t = 0
# Fréquence d'acquisition de la mesure de distance (ici 1Hz)
f = 1
# INitialsation step
# I would like to use the matrix P and the variable X_0 only one time>
P_0 = np.array([[0,0],
# Matrix X
X_0 = np.array([[0.0000000001], # Distance
[0.0000000001]]) # Angle
# ************************
# ************************
# ************************
# ************************
# ***************
# Prédiction
# ***************
X_k1_K_1 = np.dot(F_k1,X_0)
X_k1_K_11 = np.dot(F_k1,X_00)
P_k1_K_1 =np.dot(F_k1,np.dot(P_0,np.transpose(F_k1))) + Q_k1
P_k1_K_1 =np.dot(F_k1,np.dot(P_00,np.transpose(F_k1))) + Q_k1
# ***************
# Actualization
# ***************
# Delta t
delta_t = delta_t + f
# Matrice H
H1 = (-L * X_k1_K_1[1])/(X_k1_K_1[0]*X_k1_K_1[0])
H11 = np.asscalar(H1) # transform array to float
H2 = L/X_k1_K_1[0]
H12 = np.asscalar(H2) # transforme array to float
H3 = 1/delta_t
H4 = -e/delta_t
H5 = 1/delta_t
H6 = e/delta_t
H7 = 1/delta_t
H8 = -e/delta_t
H9 = 1/delta_t
H10 = e/delta_t
H_k1 = np.array([[H11,H12],
# Matrice z
Z1 = np.tan(angle_moyen)
Z2 = z_k1[2]
Z2 = np.asscalar(Z2)
Z3 = z_k1[3]
Z3 = np.asscalar(Z3)
Z4 = z_k1[4]*np.cos(z_k1[0])
Z4 = np.asscalar(Z4)
Z5 = z_k1[5]*np.cos(z_k1[1])
Z5 = np.asscalar(Z5)
Z_k1 = np.array([[Z1],
# Calcul de la la matrice K
KA = inv(np.dot(H_k1,np.dot(P_k1_K_1,np.transpose(H_k1)))+R_k1)
K_k1 = np.dot(P_k1_K_1,np.dot(np.transpose(H_k1),KA))
# Calcul de la matrice X
XA = Z_k1 - np.dot(H_k1, X_k1_K_1)
X_k1_K = X_k1_K_1 + np.dot(K_k1,XA)
# Calcul de la matrice P
P_k1_K = P_k1_K_1 - np.dot(K_k1,np.dot(H_k1,P_k1_K_1))
# etape de retour en arrière
X_0 = X_k1_K
P_0 = P_k1_K
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.init_node('listener', anonymous=True)
ListenerVilma = ListenerVilma()
rospy.Subscriber('/orientation', Float64MultiArray , ListenerVilma.orientation_callback)
rospy.Subscriber('/velocidade', Float64MultiArray, ListenerVilma.velocidade_callback)
rospy.Subscriber('/gps1', NavSatFix, ListenerVilma.gps_callback)