Out.shadowCrd.x = 0.5 * (sPos.z + sPos.x);
Out.shadowCrd.y = 0.5 * (sPos.z - sPos.y);
Out.shadowCrd.z = 0;
Out.shadowCrd.w = sPos.z;
的整个顶点着色器float distanceScale;
float4 lightPos;
float4 view_position;
float4x4 view_proj_matrix;
float4x4 proj_matrix;
float time_0_X;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Pos: POSITION;
float3 normal: TEXCOORD0;
float3 lightVec : TEXCOORD1;
float3 viewVec: TEXCOORD2;
float4 shadowCrd: TEXCOORD3;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(float4 inPos: POSITION, float3 inNormal: NORMAL)
// Animate the light position.
float3 lightPos;
lightPos.x = cos(1.321 * time_0_X);
lightPos.z = sin(0.923 * time_0_X);
lightPos.xz = 100 * normalize(lightPos.xz);
lightPos.y = 100;
// Project the object's position
Out.Pos = mul(view_proj_matrix, inPos);
// World-space lighting
Out.normal = inNormal;
Out.lightVec = distanceScale * (lightPos - inPos.xyz);
Out.viewVec = view_position - inPos.xyz;
// Create view vectors for the light, looking at (0,0,0)
float3 dirZ = -normalize(lightPos);
float3 up = float3(0,0,1);
float3 dirX = cross(up, dirZ);
float3 dirY = cross(dirZ, dirX);
// Transform into light's view space.
float4 pos;
inPos.xyz -= lightPos;
pos.x = dot(dirX, inPos);
pos.y = dot(dirY, inPos);
pos.z = dot(dirZ, inPos);
pos.w = 1;
// Project it into light space to determine she shadow
// map position
float4 sPos = mul(proj_matrix, pos);
// Use projective texturing to map the position of each fragment
// to its corresponding texel in the shadow map.
sPos.z += 10;
Out.shadowCrd.x = 0.5 * (sPos.z + sPos.x);
Out.shadowCrd.y = 0.5 * (sPos.z - sPos.y);
Out.shadowCrd.z = 0;
Out.shadowCrd.w = sPos.z;
return Out;
Pixel Shader:
float shadowBias;
float backProjectionCut;
float Ka;
float Kd;
float Ks;
float4 modelColor;
sampler ShadowMap;
sampler SpotLight;
float4 ps_main(
float3 inNormal: TEXCOORD0,
float3 lightVec: TEXCOORD1,
float3 viewVec: TEXCOORD2,
float4 shadowCrd: TEXCOORD3) : COLOR
// Normalize the normal
inNormal = normalize(inNormal);
// Radial distance and normalize light vector
float depth = length(lightVec);
lightVec /= depth;
// Standard lighting
float diffuse = saturate(dot(lightVec, inNormal));
float specular = pow(saturate(
dot(reflect(-normalize(viewVec), inNormal), lightVec)),
// The depth of the fragment closest to the light
float shadowMap = tex2Dproj(ShadowMap, shadowCrd);
// A spot image of the spotlight
float spotLight = tex2Dproj(SpotLight, shadowCrd);
// If the depth is larger than the stored depth, this fragment
// is not the closest to the light, that is we are in shadow.
// Otherwise, we're lit. Add a bias to avoid precision issues.
float shadow = (depth < shadowMap + shadowBias);
// Cut back-projection, that is, make sure we don't lit
// anything behind the light.
shadow *= (shadowCrd.w > backProjectionCut);
// Modulate with spotlight image
shadow *= spotLight;
// Shadow any light contribution except ambient
return Ka * modelColor +
(Kd * diffuse * modelColor + Ks * specular) * shadow;