
时间:2018-01-11 14:48:59

标签: unit-testing f# fscheck property-based-testing

我是基于属性和单元测试的新手,在我的项目中我想要使用这种技术,但遗憾的是很容易说......我看了一下关于FsCheck.XUnit库的讨论,但那家伙正在测试数字函数(模数)...我想测试使用字符串,列表和数组的函数。也许你们可以提供一个提示或源代码我可以查看? 附:我所看到的每个地方都只有数字示例,看起来很容易测试。


let wordSplit (text:string) = 
  text.Split([|' ';'\n';'\r';'\t';'!';',';'.';'?';';';':'; '/'
  ;'\\';'-';'+'; '*'; '#';'(';')';'^';'"';'\'';'`'; '@';'~';'|'|]
  |> Array.toList 

let rec matchTails (tail1 : string list) (tail2 : string list) = 
    match tail1, tail2 with
        | h1::t1 , h2::t2 -> 
            if (h1=h2) then 
                matchTails t1 t2
        | [], _ -> false
        | _, []  -> true

let rec phraseProcessor (textH: string) (textT: string list) (phrases: string list list) (n:int) = 
    match phrases with 
    |[] -> n
    | h :: t ->
        match h with
        |x when x.Head = textH && (matchTails (textT) (x.Tail)) ->
            phraseProcessor (textH) (textT) (t) (n+1)
        | _ -> 
            phraseProcessor (textH) (textT) (t) (n)

let rec wordChanger (phrases : string list list) (text:string list) (n:int)= 
    match text with
    | [] -> n
    | h :: t ->
        wordChanger phrases t (phraseProcessor (h) (t) (phrases) (n))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





let stringGenerator = Arb.generate<string>

// generate 3 strings with a maximum size of 1
Gen.sample 1 3 stringGenerator 
// result: [""; "!"; "I"]

// generate 3 strings with a maximum size of 10
Gen.sample 10 3 stringGenerator 
// result: [""; "eiX$a^"; "U%0Ika&r"]

最好的事情是发电机可以自己使用   用户定义的类型!

type Color = Red | Green of int | Blue of bool

let colorGenerator = Arb.generate<Color>

// generate 10 colors with a maximum size of 50
Gen.sample 50 10 colorGenerator 

// result: [Green -47; Red; Red; Red; Blue true; 
// Green 2; Blue false; Red; Blue true; Green -12]


如果您想生成复杂类型:How does one generate a "complex" object in FsCheck?