def Phi_designer_k_svd(Phi_list, y_list, index):
# y_list is expected to have size of k x y_freq (k rows of y_freq sized horizontal signals)
# mp_process in here is a self-implemented OMP function, loosely following
# an implementation here: https://github.com/davebiagioni/pyomp/blob/master/omp.py
# (mxn) = size of Phi
Phi = Phi_list[index]
for i in range(0,1000):
Phi_old = np.zeros(Phi.shape)
Phi_old[:, :] = Phi[:, :]
x_mp = np.zeros((n,k))
#for every column of x_mp, calculate the sparse representation of the column
#(find the representation of x_mp that would give minimum solution for ||y - Phi*x_mp||)
for j in range(0, k):
# find approximation of x signal
x_mp[:,j], _, _ = mp_process(Phi, y_cur[:,j], ncoef=sparsity, verbose=vbose)
'''for every t-th atom in Phi...
update the dictionary atoms so that it minimizes errors obtained from compressed x_mp
for t in range(0, n):
#Choose the COLUMN indexes in the t-th ROW of x_mp that is NON zero!
#(synonymous with picking signals (which column) of x contributed
# directly by the t-th atom of the dictionary)
I = x_mp[t] != 0
#if there are no contributions made by this atom for x_mp, then continue to the next atom.
if np.sum(I) == 0:
# only columns containing nonzero elements from t-th row of x_mp is used (showing indices using t-th atom in dict),
# rest are ignored
x_copy = x_mp[:, I]
#zero the t-th row as it will not be used in actual calculation
x_copy[t] = 0
#create a copy of Phi with the value of the t-th atom zeroed (to disable contribution from the t-th atom of Phi)
copy = np.zeros(Phi.shape)
copy[:] = Phi[:]
copy[:,t] = 0
#calculate error produced from contribution of t-th atom only (thus ignoring the rest of the zero elements in initial x_mp.
error = y_cur[:,I] - np.dot(copy, x_copy)
#produce a SVD decomp of the obtained error matrix
U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(error, full_matrices=True)
Phi[:, t] = U[:, 0]
#update only the picked non-zero elements of x_mp (as previously mentioned) to be updated.
#(sizes of s and V should have already matched this indices group as well)
x_mp[t, I] = s[0] * V[:,0]
previous_norm = l2_norm(Phi_old)
detected_norm = l2_norm(Phi)
norm_diff = previous_norm - detected_norm
#**** Convergence condition. Not sure correct or not based on paper.
if abs(norm_diff) < tol:
Phi_list[index] = Phi
但是我发现这段代码只能创建一个仅适用于数据训练集的字典,并且压缩不适用于任何新的数据集。我怀疑我可能没有正确实现纸张的停止标准(我在上面的代码中标记为&#39; ****&#39;在for循环中的最后一行),因为我我不太确定自己的算法适当的停止标准是什么。有没有人曾经在python中实现过他们自己的K-SVD版本?如果是这样,我真的很感激,如果你可以帮助我检查我实施的停止标准的有效性,也许还有任何额外的技巧,我可以用来确保创建的字典和任何新的信号集之间的更好匹配。