Unity 2017.3:transform.position assign尝试无效。输入位置为{-infinity,0,0}

时间:2018-01-04 03:28:39

标签: c# unity3d game-engine



我得到两个错误:“transform.position assign attempt无效。输入位置是{-infinity,0,0},”和“无效的世界AABB。对象太大或太远离原点。”< / p>


public void LateUpdate()
Move(Velocity * Time.deltaTime); 


characterTransform.Translate(deltaMovement, Space.World);



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// Handles the character movement with raycasts
/// </summary>
public class CharacterController2D : MonoBehaviour {

//Defines the number of rays
private const int totalHorizontalRays = 8;
private const int totalVeritcalRays = 4;

private RaycastOrigins raycastOrigins; //References the RayCastOrigins struct

private const float skinWidth = .02f; //Defines the skin width of the rays, which places the origin point of the rays slightly inside the character's box collider

private static readonly float slopeLimitTanget = Mathf.Tan(75f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

public LayerMask platformMask; //Defines the layermask that will be used to determine how different layers interact with the character

public ControllerParameters2D defaultParameters; //References the ControllerParameters2D class

public ControllerState2D State { get; private set; } //References the ControllerState2D class
public ControllerParameters2D Parameters { get { return overrideParameters ?? defaultParameters; } } //Returns updated parameters, or default parameters if overrideParameters is null
public Vector2 Velocity { get { return velocity; } } //Defines the character's velocity
public bool CanJump { get { return false; } } //Defines whether or not the character can jump
public bool HandleCollisions { get; set; } //Defines whether or not the character needs to handle collisions (because it is colliding with something)

private Vector2 velocity; //The field for the Velocity property

private BoxCollider2D boxCollider; //References the box collider on the character
private ControllerParameters2D overrideParameters; //References the updated parameters (that is, the updated parameters, not the default ones)
private Transform characterTransform; //References the character's transform
private Vector3 localScale; //References the character's scale

//The distance between raycasts
private float horizontalDistanceBetweenRays;
private float verticalDistanceBetweenRays;

private struct RaycastOrigins //Stores the value types that define where the raycasts are created on the box collider
    public Vector2 topLeft, topRight; //Creates variables to define the upper position of the raycasts
    public Vector2 bottomLeft, bottomRight; //Creates variables to define the lower position of the raycasts

public void Awake()
    State = new ControllerState2D(); //Accesses the ControllerState2D script
    boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); //Accesses the character's box collider
    characterTransform = transform; //Accesses the character's transform
    localScale = transform.localScale; //Accesses the character's scale

    //Gets the ray spacing
    horizontalDistanceBetweenRays = CalculateHorizontalRaySpacing();
    verticalDistanceBetweenRays = CalculateVerticalRaySpacing();

public void Start()


public void AddForce(Vector2 force)
    velocity += force;

public void SetForce(Vector2 force)
    velocity = force;

public void SetHorizontalForce(float x)
    velocity.x = x;

public void SetVerticalForce(float y)
    velocity.y = y;

public void Jump()


public void LateUpdate()
    Move(Velocity * Time.deltaTime); //Moves the character per its velocity, scaled by time

public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)


public void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)


private void Move(Vector2 deltaMovement)
    var wasGrounded = State.IsCollidingBelow; //Keeps track of whether or not the character is grounded
    State.Reset(); //Resets the state

    if (HandleCollisions) //If the character should handle collisions

        if (deltaMovement.y < 0 && wasGrounded) //If the character is moving down, and was previously grounded...
            ClimbDownSlope(ref deltaMovement);

        if (Mathf.Abs(deltaMovement.x) > .001f) //If the character is moving left or right...
            MoveHorizontally(ref deltaMovement);

        MoveVertically(ref deltaMovement); //Calls the MoveVertically method always, since the character always has the force of gravity enacted on it

    characterTransform.Translate(deltaMovement, Space.World); //Moves the character after all potential movement scenarios have been accounted for

    if (Time.deltaTime > 0)
        velocity = deltaMovement / Time.deltaTime; //Sets the current velocity equal to the change in movement

    //Clamps the velocity to the maximum x and y velocity defined in Parameters
    velocity.x = Mathf.Min(velocity.x, Parameters.maxVelocity.x);
    velocity.y = Mathf.Min(velocity.y, Parameters.maxVelocity.y);

    if (State.IsMovingUpSlope) //If the character is moving up a slope...
        velocity.y = 0;

private void MoveHorizontally(ref Vector2 deltaMovement)
    var isGoingRight = deltaMovement.x > 0; //Defines if the character is going right
    var rayDistance = Mathf.Abs(deltaMovement.x) + skinWidth; //Defines the distance of the raycasts
    var rayDirection = isGoingRight ? Vector2.right : -Vector2.right; //Defines in which direction the rays will shoot, depdending on character direction
    var rayOrigin = isGoingRight ? raycastOrigins.bottomRight : raycastOrigins.bottomLeft; //Defines the current ray origin

    for (var i = 0; i < totalHorizontalRays; i++) //Loops through each of the 8 horizontal rays
        var rayVector = new Vector2(rayOrigin.x, rayOrigin.y + (i * verticalDistanceBetweenRays)); //Builds the rays (stacking them up with each ray that is added)
        Debug.DrawRay(rayVector, rayDirection * rayDistance, Color.red);

        var rayCastHit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayVector, rayDirection, rayDistance, platformMask); //Actually draws the rays

        if (!rayCastHit) //If the raycast hits something... (rayCastHit is true)

        if (i == 0 && ClimbUpSlope(ref deltaMovement, Vector2.Angle(rayCastHit.normal, Vector2.up), isGoingRight)) //If the character is now climbing a slope...

        deltaMovement.x = rayCastHit.point.x - rayVector.x; //Clamps horizontal movement based on ray collision
        rayDistance = Mathf.Abs(deltaMovement.x); //Clamps the ray distance based on how far the character is allowed to move (i.e. ensures the rays end at walls)

        if (isGoingRight) //If the character is going right...
            deltaMovement.x -= skinWidth; //Ensures that the character moves with the correct value (otherwise would be able to move slightly more based on skinWidth value)
            State.IsCollidingRight = true;

        else //If the character is going left...
            deltaMovement.x += skinWidth;
            State.IsCollidingLeft = true;

        if (rayDistance < skinWidth + .0001f) //If a collision gets bugged for some reason...


private void MoveVertically(ref Vector2 deltaMovement)


private void ClimbDownSlope(ref Vector2 deltaMovement)


private bool ClimbUpSlope(ref Vector2 deltaMovement, float angle, bool isGoingRight)
    return false;

private void HandlePlatforms()


private float CalculateHorizontalRaySpacing()
    Bounds bounds = boxCollider.bounds; //Sets the 'bounds' variable equal to the bounds of the box collider on the game object
    bounds.Expand(skinWidth * -2); //Enforces the skinWidth variable

    return bounds.size.y / (totalHorizontalRays - 1); //Ensures that all rays are spaced evenly on the sides of the box collider

private float CalculateVerticalRaySpacing()
    Bounds bounds = boxCollider.bounds; //Sets the 'bounds' variable equal to the bounds of the box collider on the game object
    bounds.Expand(skinWidth * -2); //Enforces the skinWidth variable

    return bounds.size.x / (totalVeritcalRays - 1); //Ensures that all rays are spaced evenly on the bottom and top of the box collider

private void CalculateRaycastOrigins()
    Bounds bounds = boxCollider.bounds; //Sets the 'bounds' variable equal to the bounds of the box collider on the game object
    bounds.Expand(skinWidth * -2); //Enforces the skinWidth variable

    //Creates the starting positions of the raycasts
    raycastOrigins.bottomLeft = new Vector2(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.y);
    raycastOrigins.bottomRight = new Vector2(bounds.max.x, bounds.min.y);
    raycastOrigins.topLeft = new Vector2(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y);
    raycastOrigins.topRight = new Vector2(bounds.max.x, bounds.max.y);


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