
时间:2017-12-16 23:20:46

标签: list recursion lisp


  1. 编写一个查找列表最小值的lisp函数f。假设该列表仅包含数字。例如(f'(3 2 5 4 9   5))返回2.


(defun f (L)
 (cond ((null (cdr L))(car L))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (car L) (car (cdr L))) (rotatef((car L) (car(cdr L)))))
 (f(cdr L))


我的逻辑是不断地用car(cdr L)交换最小元素,并始终将car(L)作为最小元素。然后以递归方式调用cdr,直到只有我认为这样做的唯一方式。奇怪的是,他在我们的笔记中从未提及rotatef,所以我认为我做得不好。


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  • 你应该计算一个最小值,所以让我们调用函数minimum
  • L作为变量名称可以替换为list
  • 改进缩进和括号


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (cdr list))
        (car list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (car list) (car (cdr list)))
        (rotatef ((car list)
                  (car (cdr list)))))
        (cdr list))))


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (rest list))
        (first list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef ((first list)
                  (second list))))
        (rest list))))


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (rest list))
        (first list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef ((first list)
                  (second list))))
       (t (minimum (rest list)))))

ROTATEF需要多少参数? ((foo) (bar))在Lisp中没有用,因为你不能在一堆Lisp表单周围加上括号。

(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null (rest list))
        (first list))    ; <-- I think my break case is wrong, too.
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef (first list)
                 (second list)))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null list)
       ((null (rest list))
        (first list))
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (rotatef (first list)
                 (second list)))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)
 (cond ((null list)
       ((null (rest list))
        (first list))
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (minimum (cons (first list)
                       (rest (rest list)))))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)
 "recursive function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers"
 (cond ((null list)
       ((null (rest list))
        (first list))
       ((< (first list) (second list))
        (minimum (cons (first list)
                       (rest (rest list)))))
        (minimum (rest list)))))


(defun minimum (list)

 "recursive function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers"


       ((null list)                      ; list is empty

       ((null (rest list))               ; only one element
        (first list))

       ((< (first list) (second list))   ; if first element is smaller than second
        (minimum (cons (first list)      ; call minimum without second element 
                       (rest (rest list)))))

       (t                                ; second is equal or smaller
        (minimum (rest list)))))         ; call minimum without first element


CL-USER 24 > (let ((lists '(()
                            (1 2)
                            (2 1)
                            (3 2 1 0)
                            (1 2 3)
                            (3 4 2 1 1)
                            (1 1 12 -1 4 2))))
               (mapcar #'minimum lists))

(NIL 1 1 1 0 1 1 -1)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Parens are meaningful in lisp:这就是问题所在 与您的rotatef

您还需要使用funcall: 而不是P(f ...),这是lisp-1 vs lisp-2问题。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Go back to the basics.

What's the shortest list your function can receive? The empty list. What should we return for that? It's not clear. Let's just return nil.

What's the next shortest list your function can receive? A list containing a single number. What should return for that? We should return that single number.

Otherwise, we have a list with at least two numbers. There's (car L) (the first number in the list), and there's (cdr L) (all the rest of the numbers in the list). If (car L) is smaller than the smallest number in (cdr L), then we should return (car L). Otherwise, we should return that smallest number from (cdr L).

Now, how can we get the smallest number from (cdr L)? Well, we're already writing the function that does that! We can call (f (cdr L)) to get the smallest number in (cdr L).

(defun f (L)
        ; empty list
        ((null (car L)) nil)

        ; list with just one element
        ((null (cdr L)) (car L))

        ; 2 or more elements
        (T (let ((head (car L))
                 (tailMin (f (cdr L))))
                (if (< head tailMin) head tailMin)))))

答案 3 :(得分:0)

这真是对Rainer Joswig的漂亮答案的延伸评论。




(defun minimum/tfb (list)
   "function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers, via a recursive helper"
   (when (null list)
     ;; I claim that the empty list is an error, so let's check this
     ;; and say so
     (error "empty lists don't have minima"))
   (labels ((minimum-loop (tail min-so-far)
              ;; TAIL is everything else we need to look at,
              ;; MIN-SO-FAR is the running minimum
              (cond ((null tail)
                     ;; we are done: the running minimum is the minimum
                    ((< min-so-far (first tail))
                     ;; the running minimum is smaller than the first
                     ;; element of TAIL so it is still our best bet:
                     ;; recurse on the rest of TAIL
                     (minimum-loop (rest tail) min-so-far))
                     ;; the first element of TAIL is less than or
                     ;; equal to min-so-far, so it is now our best bet
                     (minimum-loop (rest tail) (first tail))))))
     ;; Now start the process (remember we know LIST has at least one
     ;; element, which we use as out best guess).
     (minimum-loop (rest list) (first list))))

很容易看出这与Rainer的功能相同(除非它给出的列表是空的,这是一个意见问题) ,但它使用这个本地minimum-loop函数来完成工作,并有这个额外的参数。


(defun minimum/tfb/gratuitous (list)
   "function to return the minimum value of a list of numbers, via a recursive helper"
   (when (null list)
     ;; I claim that the empty list is an error, so let's check this
     ;; and say so
     (error "empty lists don't have minima"))
   (labels ((minimum-loop (tail min-so-far)
              ;; TAIL is everything else we need to look at,
              ;; MIN-SO-FAR is the running minimum
              (if (null tail)
                  ;; we are done: the running minimum is the minimum
                ;; We have more to do: recurse, deciding which element
                ;; to use as the running minimum
                (minimum-loop (rest tail)
                              (if (< min-so-far (first tail))
                                  min-so-far (first tail))))))
     ;; Now start the process (remember we know LIST has at least one
     ;; element, which we use as out best guess).
     (minimum-loop (rest list) (first list))))

我不认为这在风格上更好,而且可能更糟。这可能是我写的东西。 (Python程序员讨厌我的代码。)

最后请注意,Rainer的功能和我对它的修改都是尾递归的。在像Scheme这样的语言中,这些函数对应于显式迭代过程。实际上,在Scheme中,迭代构造在尾部调用方面是定义的。 Scheme对于这种辅助函数模式也有一个很好的语法。


(define (minimum lyst)
  (when (null? lyst)
    (error "empty lists do not have minima"))
  (define (minimum-loop tail min-so-far)
    (if (null? tail)
        (minimum-loop (rest tail)
                      (if (< min-so-far (first tail))
                          (first tail)))))
  (minimum-loop (rest lyst) (first lyst)))


以下是使用名为 - let的转换,其目的是支持此类事情:

(define (minimum/loop lyst)
  (when (null? lyst)
    (error "empty lists do not have minima"))
  (let minimum-loop ([tail (rest lyst)]
                     [min-so-far (first lyst)])
    (if (null? tail)
        (minimum-loop (rest tail)
                      (if (< min-so-far (first tail))
                          (first tail))))))

答案 4 :(得分:-1)

(defun F(L)   (申请'min L) )