matplotlib.basemap - 地球科学 - ValueError:操作数无法与形状一起广播(12529,15661)(12529,15662)

时间:2017-12-02 13:50:53

标签: python numpy matplotlib matplotlib-basemap netcdf4


from netCDF4 import Dataset
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import mpl_toolkits as mplt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

f = Dataset("/geosci/path2data/")

# extract and label column
lats = f.variables['lat'][:]  # extract/copy the latitude data
lons = f.variables['lon'][:]  # extract/copy the longitude data
depth = f.variables['Band1'][:]
lon_0 = lons.mean()
lat_0 = lats.mean()

#create map projection
m = Basemap(projection = 'stere', width = 5*10**6, height = 35*10**5, resolution = 'l', lat_ts = 40, lat_0 = lat_0, lon_0 = lon_0)

# Plot of global temperature on our random day
fig = plt.figure()
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0., right=1., bottom=0., top=0.9)

# Make the plot continuous
depth_cyclic, lons_cyclic = mplt.basemap.addcyclic(depth, lons) 

# compute map projection coordinates for lat/lon grid
# Create 2D lat/lon arrays for Basemap
lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lons_cyclic, lats)
# Transforms lat/lon into plotting coordinates for projection
x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d)

# Plot of air temperature with 11 contour intervals
cs = m.contourf(lon2d, lat2d, depth, 11,
cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5)


ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-7b81b2da3866> in <module>()
     19 # Plot of air temperature with 11 contour intervals
---> 20 cs = m.contourf(lon2d, lat2d, depth, 11,
     21 cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5)
     22 m.plot(x,y)

in with_transform(self, x, y, data, *args, **kwargs)
    519             # convert lat/lon coords to map projection coords.
    520             x, y = self(x,y)
--> 521         return plotfunc(self,x,y,data,*args,**kwargs)
    522     return with_transform

in contourf(self, x, y, data, *args, **kwargs)
   3669                 data = ma.asarray(data)
   3670                 # combine with data mask.
-> 3671                 mask = np.logical_or(ma.getmaskarray(data),xymask)
   3672                 data = ma.masked_array(data,mask=mask)
   3673                 CS = ax.contourf(x,y,data,*args,**kwargs)

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (12529,15661) (12529,15662)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


cs = m.contourf(x,y,depth_cyclic,11,cmap =