我有一个问题,我必须计算从一个火车站到另一个火车站的最短路径(包括中途停留)。我通常不会寻求帮助,但我非常坚持这一点。我开始编写一个标准的dijkstra算法,并认为我可以修改它以进行中途停留,但事实并非如此。该程序设置为[stationCount] [stationCount]大小的邻接矩阵,由边缘结构组成。每个边缘结构都有:
int departure; int arrival; int totalTime; (arrival - departure)
1 2 0430 0600
1 4 0550 1000
2 4 0630 1100
2 5 1130 1300
3 1 1245 1500
3 6 0300 0530
4 5 0730 0945
4 7 1145 1600
4 6 1500 1900
4 3 1000 1330
5 7 1430 1730
7 6 1550 1800
我已经要求程序尝试从(1,6)返回最短路径,但它没有返回有效路径。我计算出的最短路径是1-> 4(0450)+(0500)-layover + 4-> 6(0400)=(1350),然后我可以将其转换为13小时10分钟。它可以采取多种其他路径,但所有这些路径都可以提前开始并在同一时间结束,或者稍后将它们设置为更长的路径。如果有人对我的错误或更好的方法有任何指导,请告诉我。谢谢。
int TRAINS::dijkstra(int source, int destination)
vector <bool> vertexSet;
int distance[stationCount];
int minNode, minDistance, source, destination, count = 0, previousNode;
for(int i = 1; i < stationCount; ++i)
distance[i] = INFINITY;
distance[source] = 0;
while((!empty(vertexSet)) && count < stationCount - 1)
minNode = INFINITY;
minDistance = INFINITY;
for(int vertex = 1; vertex < stationCount; ++vertex)
if(vertexSet[vertex] == false && distance[vertex] <= minDistance)
minDistance = distance[vertex];
minNode = vertex;
vertexSet[minNode] = true;
//so what i tried to do is that if it is the first time running through (i.e. source == minNode then it will set the distance for all verteces to .totalTime (the regular weight) and that seems to work
for(int vertex = 1; vertex < stationCount; ++vertex)
if(vertexSet[vertex] == false && matrix[minNode][vertex].arrival > 0)
if(minNode == source)
if(distance[minNode] != INFINITY && matrix[minNode][vertex].totalTime < distance[vertex])
distance[vertex] = matrix[minNode][vertex].totalTime;
if(vertex == destination)
return distance[vertex];
//then here if it wasn't the first time (this is where I am having trouble... i was trying to have it take the current departure time - the previous arrival time to calculate the layover and then add it to the current distance (distance[minNode]) plush the actual weight still... but somewhere this is going wrong and i am not getting the right output.
if(distance[minNode] != INFINITY && matrix[minNode][vertex].departure > 0 && matrix[minNode][vertex].departure - matrix[previousNode][minNode].arrival + matrix[minNode][vertex].totalTime + distance[minNode] < distance[vertex])
distance[vertex] = matrix[minNode][vertex].departure - matrix[previousNode][minNode].arrival + matrix[minNode][vertex].totalTime + distance[minNode];
if(vertex == destination)
return distance[vertex];
//before the next cycle i set the current minNode to previous for use in the next cycle
previousNode = minNode;
return -1;