#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
struct wde{ // a weighted directed edge
char s, d;
int w;
const int INF = 9999;
char noPred = ' ';
struct label{
char vertex;
int currDist;
char predecessor;
label(const label& other){
cout << "Copy constructor called\n";
vertex = other.vertex;
currDist = other.currDist;
predecessor = other.predecessor;
label(char v, int d, char p) :vertex(v), currDist(d), predecessor(p){}
bool operator==(const label other){
return vertex == other.vertex;
class compareLabels{
bool operator() (label* lhs, const label* rhs) const{
return (lhs->currDist < rhs->currDist);
list<label*> myqp;
wde EL[] = { // 12 edges (we were originally missing a->h
{ 'c', 'd', 1 }, { 'c', 'g', 1 }, { 'c', 'h', 1 },
{ 'h', 'g', -1 }, { 'g', 'd', -1 }, { 'd', 'a', 2 },
{ 'd', 'e', 4 }, { 'd', 'i', 1 }, { 'a', 'b', 1 },
{ 'b', 'e', -5 }, { 'e', 'f', 4 }, { 'i', 'f', 1 }};
int infAdd(int a, int b){
if (a == INF || b == INF)
return INF;
return a + b;
void ShortestPath(int ne, wde elist[], char first){
int i, ui, nv, wt, dist1, dist2, dist3;
// Determine the set of vertices from the edge list
set<char> vertices;
for (i = 0; i < ne; i++){ //look at each edge
cout << "We found " << (nv = vertices.size()) << " vertices\n";
// Set up the adjacency matrix
vector<vector<int>> adjmat(nv, vector<int>(nv, 0));
const int asa = int('a'); // char 'a' as an ascii value
// Set up the labels and store in a 'priority queue'
vector<label> labels(nv);
for each (char ch in vertices){
labels[int(ch) - asa] = label(ch, INF, noPred);
labels[int(first) - asa].currDist = 0;
list<label*> toBeChecked; // pointers to labels
//toBeChecked.assign = first;
for (i = 0; i < ne; i++){
wde &e = elist[i]; // refer to elist[i]
adjmat[int(e.s) - asa][int(e.d) - asa] = e.w;
// FordAlgorithm*******************************************
for (i = 1; i <= nv - 1; i++){
dist1 = labels[first].currDist;
for (ui = 0; ui < nv; ui++){
dist2 = labels[ui].currDist;
if ((wt = adjmat[first][ui]) != 0)
dist3 = infAdd(dist1, wt);
if (dist2 > dist3){
labels[ui].currDist = dist3;
cout << "The shortest distances from " << first << " to each vertex:\n";
stack<char> path;
char v;
for (i = 0; i < nv; i++){ // each of the destinations
cout << labels[i].vertex << " " << labels[i].currDist << endl;
v = labels[i].vertex;
// put the code you're given
// in the first while loop, we follow the predecssors back
// from the "sink" to the "source"
int main(void){
int nedges = sizeof(EL) / sizeof(wde);
cout << "We have " << nedges << " edges\n";
ShortestPath(nedges, EL, 'c');
cout << "done\n";
return 0;