TI cc26xx aes硬件实现代码不断陷入困境

时间:2017-11-02 16:55:42

标签: c aes contiki texas-instruments

我正在尝试使用TI提供的加密库来使用cc2650 sensortag上的硬件AES模块。不幸的是,只要AesInit被执行或我的脚本中有任何其他空白,我的代码就会陷入无限循环。但是,代码编译的信息很好。我怀疑这是由于一些内存或中断问题。我的问题如下:

  1. 我的文件中是否遗漏了任何头文件或依赖项?
  2. 是否有任何简单的aes硬件实现可供cc26xx使用?
  3. 知道如何修复我的代码吗?
  4. 我的代码如下:

    /* Contiki Headers */
    #include "contiki.h"
    #include "sys/ctimer.h"
    #include "dev/leds.h"
    #include "random.h"
    #include "net/ip/uip.h"
    #include "net/ipv6/uip-ds6.h"
    #include "net/netstack.h"
    #include "clock.h"
    /* CC2650 Specific Headers */
    #include "lpm.h"
    #include "ti-lib.h"
    #include "dev/watchdog.h"
    #include "lib/cc26xxware/driverlib/gpio.h"
    #include "button-sensor.h"
    #include "batmon-sensor.h"
    #include "board-peripherals.h"
    /* Crypto APIs Header */
    #include <driverlib/crypto.h>
    #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
    /* Define functions */
    void uint8_print(char *hint,uint8_t *data, int size){
      for(uint8_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            PRINTF("%02X ", data[i]);
    void AesInit( void ) {
      HWREG(CRYPTO_BASE + CRYPTO_O_IRQTYPE) |= 0x00000001;
      HWREG(CRYPTO_BASE + CRYPTO_O_IRQEN) |= 0x00000003;
    void HW_KeyInit( uint8_t *AesKey ) {
      CRYPTOAesLoadKey( (uint32_t *)AesKey, 0);
    void AesEncryptHW( uint8_t *AesKey, uint8_t *Cstate ) {
      CRYPTOAesEcb( (uint32_t *)Cstate, (uint32_t *)Cstate, 0, true, false);
      /* wait for completion of the operation */
      do { __asm("nop"); } while(CRYPTOAesEcbStatus());
    void AesDecryptHW( uint8_t *AesKey, uint8_t *Cstate ) {
      CRYPTOAesEcb( (uint32_t *)Cstate, (uint32_t *)Cstate, 0, false, false);
      /* wait for completion of the operation */
      do { __asm("nop"); } while(!(CRYPTOAesEcbStatus()));
    void AesEncryptHW_keylocation(uint8_t *msg_in, uint8_t *msg_out, uint8_t key_location ) {
      CRYPTOAesEcb( (uint32_t *)msg_in, (uint32_t *)msg_out, key_location, true, false);
      /* wait for completion of the operation */
      do { __asm("nop"); } while(!(CRYPTOAesEcbStatus()));
    void AesDecryptHW_keylocation( uint8_t *msg_in, uint8_t *msg_out, uint8_t key_location ){
      CRYPTOAesEcb( (uint32_t *)msg_in, (uint32_t *)msg_out, key_location, false, false);
      /* wait for completion of the operation */
      do { __asm("nop");  } while(CRYPTOAesEcbStatus());
    PROCESS(test_process, "Test process");
    PROCESS_THREAD(test_process, ev, data)
        printf("\r\nDEBUG: Process started\r\n ");
        uint8_t ui8MsgOut[16];
        uint8_t ui8MsgIn[16]   = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff};
        uint8_t ciphertext[16] = {0x69, 0xc4, 0xe0, 0xd8, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0x04, 0x30, 0xd8, 0xcd, 0xb7, 0x80, 0x70, 0xb4, 0xc5, 0x5a};
        uint8_t ui8AesKey[16]  = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f};
        PRINTF("AesInit done\n");
        HW_KeyInit( ui8AesKey );
        PRINTF("HW_KeyInit done\n");
        uint8_print("Start Key:    ",ui8AesKey, 16);
        uint8_print("Start MsgIn:  ",ui8MsgIn, 16);
        uint8_print("Start MsgOut: ",ui8MsgOut, 16);
        AesEncryptHW( ui8AesKey, ui8MsgIn );
        uint8_print("Start Key:    ",ui8AesKey, 16);
        uint8_print("Start MsgIn:  ",ui8MsgIn, 16 );
        AesDecryptHW( ui8AesKey, ui8MsgIn );
        uint8_print("Start Key:    ",ui8AesKey, 16);
        uint8_print("Start MsgOut: ",ui8MsgIn, 16 );
        AesEncryptHW_keylocation(ui8MsgIn, ui8MsgOut, 0 );
        AesDecryptHW_keylocation(ui8MsgIn, ui8MsgOut, 0 );
        uint8_print("Start Key:    ",ui8AesKey, 16);
        uint8_print("Start MsgIn:  ",ui8MsgIn, 16);
        uint8_print("Start MsgOut: ",ui8MsgIn, 16);
        printf("\r\nDEBUG: Process ended\r\n ");


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