
时间:2013-05-20 18:00:37

标签: python pygame tetris

我是初学python程序员,我正在尝试制作俄罗斯方块游戏。当我运行游戏时,块每秒向下移动10个像素。问题是随机块只是停止,打印语句我也停止打印。根据任务经理的说法,我没有收到任何错误,内存也没问题。我有一个celeron处理器32位Vista,但我也尝试在带有i5处理器的Windows 7上运行,问题仍然存在,所以我迷路了。


import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from datetime import datetime
import Blocks

def Gravity(Box, rate):

    # Gravity effect
    Box.set_yCoor(Box.get_yCoor()+ rate)
    Box.Edge.set_yCoor(Box.Edge.get_yCoor()+ rate)
    return Box

def main():
    # initailize all pygame modules

    windowWidth,windowHeight= 640,700
    screen_color= (255,255,255)

    # Determines how many pixels per time the box will fall
    gravity= 10

    # Create screen/window and change color to white
    screen= pygame.display.set_mode((windowWidth,windowHeight),0,32)

    # Used to determine whether to draw box and apply gravity
    index =0

    # Put box and border info in list
    # Args: (x,y) (len, width) (color)
    boxInfo= [10,10, 20,50, (0,0,0)]
    borderInfo= [5,5, 30,60, (154,24,214)]
    # Create instance of box and pass info
    Box= Blocks.Box(boxInfo, borderInfo)

    #Create an endless loop that the game will run inside of
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type== QUIT:

        # Get second and millisecond time and convert to string
        startTime= str(datetime.now())
        # Splice time string and convert to float
        startTime= float(startTime[17:23])

        if index== 0:
            # Pull the box down by gravity
            Box= Gravity(Box, gravity)

            # Move box back to the top of window
            if Box.Edge.get_yCoor() > windowHeight - Box.Edge.get_boxWid():

            # Clear screen
            # Display Screen
            # Set the stop time used to determine when to call gravity and display
            stopTime= startTime+ 1
            index= 1

            # Get second and millisecond time and convert to string
            bug= str(datetime.now())
            # Splice time string and convert to float
            bug= bug[17:23]

            print("\nDisplayed at:")
            print('Start:', startTime)
            print('Stop:', stopTime)
            print('Bug:', bug)
        elif startTime >= stopTime:
            index= 0
            # Get second and millisecond time and convert to string
            bug= str(datetime.now())
            # Splice time string and convert to float
            bug= bug[17:26]

            print("\nNot displaying at:")
            print('Start:', startTime)
            print('Stop:', stopTime)
            print('Bug:', bug)

# Call main

这是块类:     导入pygame     来自pygame.locals import *

class Box():

    def __init__(self, boxInfo, edgeInfo):
        # Pixel location of the box
        self.__xCoor= boxInfo[0]
        self.__yCoor= boxInfo[1]

        # Pixel length and width of the box
        self.__boxLen= boxInfo[2]
        self.__boxWid= boxInfo[3]

        # Pixel color is white by default
        self.__color= boxInfo[4]

        self.Edge= Border(edgeInfo)

    # ---- ACCESSORS -- and -- MUTATORS ----

    def set_xCoor(self,Coordx):
        self.__xCoor= Coordx

    def get_xCoor(self):
        return self.__xCoor

    def set_yCoor(self,Coordy):
        self.__yCoor= Coordy

    def get_yCoor(self):
        return self.__yCoor

    def set_boxLen(self,Length):
        self.__boxLen= Length

    def get_boxLen(self):
        return self.__boxLen

    def set_boxWid(self,Width):
        self.__boxWid= Width

    def get_boxWid(self):
        return self.__boxWid

    def set_color(self,color):
        self.__color= color

    def get_color(self):
        return self.__color

    # ---- METHODS ----

    def boxStatCheck(self):
        # Prints all the attributes in the shell for debug
        print("x-Coordinate=", self.get_xCoor())
        print("y-Coordinate=", self.get_yCoor())
        print("Box Length=", self.get_boxLen())
        print("Box Width=", self.get_boxWid())
        print("Color Value=", self.get_color())

    def display(self, screen):
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.Edge.get_color(), Rect((self.Edge.get_xCoor(),self.Edge.get_yCoor()),

        pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.get_color(), Rect((self.get_xCoor(),self.get_yCoor()),

class Border():

    def __init__(self, listInfo):
        # Pixel location of the box
        self.__xCoor= listInfo[0]
        self.__yCoor= listInfo[1]

        # Pixel length and width of the box
        self.__boxLen= listInfo[2]
        self.__boxWid= listInfo[3]

        # Pixel color is white by default
        self.__color= listInfo[4]

    # ---- ACCESSORS -- and -- MUTATORS ----

    def set_xCoor(self,Coordx):
        self.__xCoor= Coordx

    def get_xCoor(self):
        return self.__xCoor

    def set_yCoor(self,Coordy):
        self.__yCoor= Coordy

    def get_yCoor(self):
        return self.__yCoor

    def set_boxLen(self,Length):
        self.__boxLen= Length

    def get_boxLen(self):
        return self.__boxLen

    def set_boxWid(self,Width):
        self.__boxWid= Width

    def get_boxWid(self):
        return self.__boxWid

    def set_color(self,color):
        self.__color= color

    def get_color(self):
        return self.__color

    # ---- METHODS ----

    def boxStatCheck(self):
        # Prints all the attributes in the shell for debug
        print("x-Coordinate=", self.get_xCoor())
        print("y-Coordinate=", self.get_yCoor())
        print("Box Length=", self.get_boxLen())
        print("Box Width=", self.get_boxWid())
        print("Color Value=", self.get_color())

    def display(self, screen):
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.get_color(), Rect((self.get_xCoor(),self.get_yCoor()),

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


你应该看看pygame.time模块。我建议你创建一个变量(例如wanted_fps),其中包含一个整数,表示你希望无限循环每秒运行一次。 您的代码应该如下所示:

wanted_fps = 1 # how often I want the endless loop to run per second
fpsHandler = pygame.time.Clock() # fpsHandler created to handle fps

while(True): # our endless loop
    # do something awesome
    fpsHandler.tick(wanted_fps) # makes sure fps isn't higher than wanted_fps

你可以在这里阅读pygame.time: http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/time.html


# handle events
if mycounter > 0:
    mycounter -= 1
    # do something amazing
    mycounter = 30

你做的事情每秒60/30 = 2次,但你每秒处理事件60次,因此你可以立即回应事件。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

因为您通过向startTime添加1来设置stopTime,所以当startTime变为59.xx时,stopTime将变为大于60的值。然后startTime返回0,因为它是一个新的分钟而且您被卡住了。 index = 1并且startTime永远不会大于stopTime。 if或elif语句都不会评估为True。如果您的目标是在再次绘制框之前加入延迟,请考虑做这样的事情......

pauseLength = 120


