
时间:2017-10-20 20:46:58

标签: floating-point sum fortran mpi

我正在尝试实现Neumaier算法,以在MPI调用收集的元素数组上求和双精度数。这是必要的,因为我们求和的值是阻力系数值,通常比较10 ^ -5小数位。将结果与使用代码的串行版本获得的结果进行比较,值仍然非常不同,就像算法存在某种问题一样。我在下面的程序中做错了吗?

! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
!     SUBROUTINE mpisum
      subroutine dmpisum(num,total,nproc)
      USE shared_data
      implicit none
      integer(kind=4) :: ierr,nproc,i
      real(kind=8) :: num,total,c,t
      real(kind=8), dimension(nproc) :: num_r
      total    = 0.0d0
      num_r(:) = 0.0d0
!     Now, gather all the values from all procs.
      call MPI_GATHER(num,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,num_r,1, & 
!     Now, perform the Neumaier algorithm to sum all values avoiding rounding
!     errors.
      if (myid.eq.0) then
         total = num_r(1)
         c     = 0.0d0
         t     = 0.0d0
         do i = 2, nproc
            t = total + num_r(i)
            if (dabs(total) >= dabs(num_r(i))) then
                c = c + ( (total-t) + num_r(i) )
                c = c + ( (num_r(i) - t) + total)
            end if
            total = t
         end do
         total = total + c
      end if
      end subroutine dmpisum

在所有过程中都会调用dmpisum(如果我是大师级别,则为no ....)。

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