找到数组中的最近点 - KDTree的逆

时间:2017-10-11 16:44:31

标签: python arrays algorithm numpy scipy

我有一个非常大的ndarray A和一个排序的点k列表(一个小列表,大约30个点)。


>>> A = np.asarray([3, 4, 5, 6])
>>> k = np.asarray([4.1, 3])
>>> values, indices
[3, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1], [1, 0, 0, 0]


现在我一直在使用np.searchsorted,如第二个答案所示:Find nearest value in numpy array但即便这样也太慢了。这是我使用的代码(修改为使用多个值):

def find_nearest(A,k):

    indicesClosest = np.searchsorted(k, A)
    flagToReduce = indicesClosest==k.shape[0]
    modifiedIndicesToAvoidOutOfBoundsException = indicesClosest.copy()
    modifiedIndicesToAvoidOutOfBoundsException[flagToReduce] -= 1
    flagToReduce = np.logical_or(flagToReduce,
                     np.abs(A-k[indicesClosest-1]) <
                     np.abs(A - k[modifiedIndicesToAvoidOutOfBoundsException]))
    flagToReduce = np.logical_and(indicesClosest > 0, flagToReduce)
    indicesClosest[flagToReduce] -= 1
    valuesClosest = k[indicesClosest]
    return valuesClosest, indicesClosest


>>> d = scipy.spatial.KDTree(k)
>>> d.query(A)






A = np.random.random(3000000)
k = np.random.random(30)

indices_sort = np.argsort(A)
sortedA = A[indices_sort]

inv_indices_sort = np.argsort(indices_sort)

def find_nearest(sortedA, k):
    midpoints = k[:-1] + np.diff(k)/2
    idx_aux = np.searchsorted(sortedA, midpoints)
    idx = []
    count = 0
    final_indices = np.zeros(sortedA.shape, dtype=int)
    old_obj = None
    for obj in idx_aux:
        if obj != old_obj:
            idx.append((obj, count))
            old_obj = obj
        count += 1
    old_idx = 0
    for idx_A, idx_k in idx:
        final_indices[old_idx:idx_A] = idx_k
        old_idx = idx_A
    final_indices[old_idx:] = len(k)-1

    indicesClosest = final_indices[inv_indices_sort] #<- this takes 90% of the time
    return k[indicesClosest], indicesClosest


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


内置函数numpy.digitize实际上可以完全满足您的需求。只需要一个小技巧:digitize将值分配给 bins 。我们可以通过对数组进行排序并将bin边框精确地设置在相邻元素之间的中间来将k转换为bin。

import numpy as np

A = np.asarray([3, 4, 5, 6])
k = np.asarray([4.1, 3, 1])  # added another value to show that sorting/binning works

ki = np.argsort(k)
ks = k[ki]

i = np.digitize(A, (ks[:-1] + ks[1:]) / 2)

indices = ki[i]
values = ks[i]

print(values, indices)
# [ 3.   4.1  4.1  4.1] [1 0 0 0]



import numpy as np

A = np.asarray([3, 4, 5, 6])
k = np.asarray([4.1, 3])

err = np.zeros_like(A) + np.inf  # keep track of error over passes

values = np.empty_like(A, dtype=k.dtype)
indices = np.empty_like(A, dtype=int)

for i, v in enumerate(k):
    d = np.abs(A - v)
    mask = d < err  # only update where v is closer to A
    values[mask] = v
    indices[mask] = i
    err[mask] = d[mask]

print(values, indices)
# [ 3.   4.1  4.1  4.1] [1 0 0 0]


答案 1 :(得分:2)


class SearchSorted:
    def __init__(self, tensor, use_k_optimization=True):

        use_k_optimization requires storing 4x the size of the tensor.
        If use_k_optimization is True, the class will assume that successive calls will be made with similar k.
        When this happens, we can cut the running time significantly by storing additional variables. If it won't be
        called with successive k, set the flag to False, as otherwise would just consume more memory for no
        good reason

        self.indices_sort = np.argsort(tensor)
        self.sorted_tensor = tensor[self.indices_sort]
        self.inv_indices_sort = np.argsort(self.indices_sort)
        self.use_k_optimization = use_k_optimization

        self.previous_indices_results = None
        self.prev_idx_A_k_pair = None

    def query(self, k):
        midpoints = k[:-1] + np.diff(k) / 2
        idx_count = np.searchsorted(self.sorted_tensor, midpoints)
        idx_A_k_pair = []
        count = 0

        old_obj = 0
        for obj in idx_count:
            if obj != old_obj:
                idx_A_k_pair.append((obj, count))
                old_obj = obj
            count += 1

        if not self.use_k_optimization or self.previous_indices_results is None:
            #creates the index matrix in the sorted case
            final_indices = self._create_indices_matrix(idx_A_k_pair, self.sorted_tensor.shape, len(k))
            #and now unsort it to match the original tensor position
            indicesClosest = final_indices[self.inv_indices_sort]
            if self.use_k_optimization:
                self.prev_idx_A_k_pair = idx_A_k_pair
                self.previous_indices_results = indicesClosest
            return indicesClosest

        old_indices_unsorted = self._create_indices_matrix(self.prev_idx_A_k_pair, self.sorted_tensor.shape, len(k))
        new_indices_unsorted = self._create_indices_matrix(idx_A_k_pair, self.sorted_tensor.shape, len(k))
        mask = new_indices_unsorted != old_indices_unsorted

        self.prev_idx_A_k_pair = idx_A_k_pair
        self.previous_indices_results[self.indices_sort[mask]] = new_indices_unsorted[mask]
        indicesClosest = self.previous_indices_results

        return indicesClosest

    def _create_indices_matrix(idx_A_k_pair, matrix_shape, len_quant_points):
        old_idx = 0
        final_indices = np.zeros(matrix_shape, dtype=int)
        for idx_A, idx_k in idx_A_k_pair:
            final_indices[old_idx:idx_A] = idx_k
            old_idx = idx_A
        final_indices[old_idx:] = len_quant_points - 1
        return final_indices



Function search_sorted1; 15.72285795211792s
Function search_sorted2; 13.030786037445068s
Function query; 2.3306031227111816s <- the one with use_k_optimization = True
Function query; 4.81286096572876s   <- with use_k_optimization = False


import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.spatial
import time

A = np.random.rand(10000*500) #5 million elements
k = np.random.rand(32)

#first attempt, detailed in the answer, too
def search_sorted1(A, k):
    indicesClosest = np.searchsorted(k, A)
    flagToReduce = indicesClosest == k.shape[0]
    modifiedIndicesToAvoidOutOfBoundsException = indicesClosest.copy()
    modifiedIndicesToAvoidOutOfBoundsException[flagToReduce] -= 1

    flagToReduce = np.logical_or(flagToReduce,
                        np.abs(A-k[indicesClosest-1]) <
                        np.abs(A - k[modifiedIndicesToAvoidOutOfBoundsException]))
    flagToReduce = np.logical_and(indicesClosest > 0, flagToReduce)
    indicesClosest[flagToReduce] -= 1

    return indicesClosest

#taken from @Divakar answer linked in the comments under the question
def search_sorted2(A, k):
    indicesClosest = np.searchsorted(k, A, side="left").clip(max=k.size - 1)
    mask = (indicesClosest > 0) & \
           ((indicesClosest == len(k)) | (np.fabs(A - k[indicesClosest - 1]) < np.fabs(A - k[indicesClosest])))
    indicesClosest = indicesClosest - mask

    return indicesClosest
def kdquery1(A, k):
    d = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(k, compact_nodes=False, balanced_tree=False)
    _, indices = d.query(A)
    return indices

#After an indea on scipy mailing list
class SearchSorted:
    def __init__(self, tensor, use_k_optimization=True):

        Using this requires storing 4x the size of the tensor.
        If use_k_optimization is True, the class will assume that successive calls will be made with similar k.
        When this happens, we can cut the running time significantly by storing additional variables. If it won't be
        called with successive k, set the flag to False, as otherwise would just consume more memory for no
        good reason

        self.indices_sort = np.argsort(tensor)
        self.sorted_tensor = tensor[self.indices_sort]
        self.inv_indices_sort = np.argsort(self.indices_sort)
        self.use_k_optimization = use_k_optimization

        self.previous_indices_results = None
        self.prev_idx_A_k_pair = None

    def query(self, k):
        midpoints = k[:-1] + np.diff(k) / 2
        idx_count = np.searchsorted(self.sorted_tensor, midpoints)
        idx_A_k_pair = []
        count = 0

        old_obj = 0
        for obj in idx_count:
            if obj != old_obj:
                idx_A_k_pair.append((obj, count))
                old_obj = obj
            count += 1

        if not self.use_k_optimization or self.previous_indices_results is None:
            #creates the index matrix in the sorted case
            final_indices = self._create_indices_matrix(idx_A_k_pair, self.sorted_tensor.shape, len(k))
            #and now unsort it to match the original tensor position
            indicesClosest = final_indices[self.inv_indices_sort]
            if self.use_k_optimization:
                self.prev_idx_A_k_pair = idx_A_k_pair
                self.previous_indices_results = indicesClosest
            return indicesClosest

        old_indices_unsorted = self._create_indices_matrix(self.prev_idx_A_k_pair, self.sorted_tensor.shape, len(k))
        new_indices_unsorted = self._create_indices_matrix(idx_A_k_pair, self.sorted_tensor.shape, len(k))
        mask = new_indices_unsorted != old_indices_unsorted

        self.prev_idx_A_k_pair = idx_A_k_pair
        self.previous_indices_results[self.indices_sort[mask]] = new_indices_unsorted[mask]
        indicesClosest = self.previous_indices_results

        return indicesClosest

    def _create_indices_matrix(idx_A_k_pair, matrix_shape, len_quant_points):
        old_idx = 0
        final_indices = np.zeros(matrix_shape, dtype=int)
        for idx_A, idx_k in idx_A_k_pair:
            final_indices[old_idx:idx_A] = idx_k
            old_idx = idx_A
        final_indices[old_idx:] = len_quant_points - 1
        return final_indices

mySearchSorted = SearchSorted(A, use_k_optimization=True)
mySearchSorted2 = SearchSorted(A, use_k_optimization=False)
allFunctions = [search_sorted1, search_sorted2,

print(np.array_equal(mySearchSorted.query(k), kdquery1(A, k)[1]))
print(np.array_equal(mySearchSorted.query(k), search_sorted2(A, k)[1]))
print(np.array_equal(mySearchSorted2.query(k), search_sorted2(A, k)[1]))

if __name__== '__main__':
    num_to_average = 3
    for func in allFunctions:
        if func.__name__ == 'search_sorted3':
            indices_sort = np.argsort(A)
            sA = A[indices_sort].copy()
            inv_indices_sort = np.argsort(indices_sort)
            sA = A.copy()
        if func.__name__ != 'query':
            func_to_use = lambda x: func(sA, x)
            func_to_use = func
        k_to_use = k
        start_time = time.time()
        for idx_average in range(num_to_average):
            for idx_repeat in range(10):
                k_to_use += (2*np.random.rand(*k.shape)-1)/100 #uniform between (-1/100, 1/100)
                indices = func_to_use(k_to_use)
                if func.__name__ == 'search_sorted3':
                    indices = indices[inv_indices_sort]
                val = k[indices]

        end_time = time.time()
        total_time = end_time-start_time

        print('Function {}; {}s'.format(func.__name__, total_time))
