
时间:2017-10-09 16:16:20

标签: matlab triangulation cad

我找到了几种工具,可以将MATLAB中的isosurface - 类或meshgrid数据转换为STL格式。示例包括stlwritesurf2stl。我无法弄清楚的是如何获取一个delaunayTriangulation对象,并使用它创建一个STL文件或将其转换为等值面对象。
根本问题是我从不规则多边形的N-by-2边界点数组开始,所以我没有任何简单的方法来生成xyz meshgrid。如果有办法将边界列表转换为内部区域的等值面(恒定的Z高度是我所需要的),那也可以解决我的问题。
否则,我需要一些方法将delaunayTriangulation对象转换为引用的MATLAB FEX工具可以处理的东西。

编辑以回应Ander B的建议:

我确认我在MATLAB中的三角形集是一个圆的二维扇区。但是,当我将数据提供给stlwrite并导入Cura时,我会遇到灾难 - 三角形呈直角或从所需的角度旋转pi,或者更糟。这是stlwrite的错误,Cura对某些意外的价值是敏感的,还是我无法分辨的。什么是最初的光盘: enter image description here 例如,这是一组定义圆的扇区的点。我可以从这些数据中成功创建delaunayTriangulation对象。

>> [fcx1',fcy1']
ans =
  100.4563   26.9172
   99.9712   28.6663
   99.4557   30.4067
   98.9099   32.1378
   98.3339   33.8591
   97.7280   35.5701
   97.0924   37.2703
   96.4271   38.9591
   95.7325   40.6360
   95.0087   42.3006
   94.2560   43.9523
   93.4746   45.5906
   92.6647   47.2150
   91.8265   48.8250
   90.9604   50.4202
   90.0666   52.0000
   89.1454   53.5640
   88.1970   55.1116
   87.2217   56.6425
   86.2199   58.1561
   85.1918   59.6519
   84.1378   61.1297
   83.0581   62.5888
   81.9531   64.0288
   80.8232   65.4493
   79.6686   66.8499
   78.4898   68.2301
   77.2871   69.5896
   76.0608   70.9278
   74.8113   72.2445
   73.5391   73.5391
   72.2445   74.8113
   70.9278   76.0608
   69.5896   77.2871
   68.2301   78.4898
   66.8499   79.6686
   65.4493   80.8232
   64.0288   81.9531
   62.5888   83.0581
   61.1297   84.1378
   59.6519   85.1918
   58.1561   86.2199
   56.6425   87.2217
   55.1116   88.1970
   53.5640   89.1454
   52.0000   90.0666
   50.4202   90.9604
   48.8250   91.8265
   47.2150   92.6647
   45.5906   93.4746
   43.9523   94.2560
   42.3006   95.0087
   40.6360   95.7325
   38.9591   96.4271
   37.2703   97.0924
   35.5701   97.7280
   33.8591   98.3339
   32.1378   98.9099
   30.4067   99.4557
   28.6663   99.9712
   26.9172  100.4563
   25.1599  100.9108
   23.3949  101.3345
   21.6228  101.7274
   19.8441  102.0892
   18.0594  102.4200
   16.2692  102.7196
   14.4740  102.9879
   12.6744  103.2248
   10.8710  103.4303
    9.0642  103.6042
    7.2547  103.7467
    5.4429  103.8575
    3.6295  103.9366
    1.8151  103.9842
         0  104.0000
   -1.8151  103.9842
   -3.6295  103.9366
   -5.4429  103.8575
   -7.2547  103.7467
   -9.0642  103.6042
  -10.8710  103.4303
  -12.6744  103.2248
  -14.4740  102.9879
  -16.2692  102.7196
  -18.0594  102.4200
  -19.8441  102.0892
  -21.6228  101.7274
  -23.3949  101.3345
  -25.1599  100.9108
  -26.9172  100.4563
         0         0

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)






答案 1 :(得分:0)

Building on Ander B's answer, here is the complete sequence. These steps ensure that even concave polygons are properly handled.

Start with two vectors containing all the x and the y coordinates. Then:

% build the constraint list
constr=[ (1:(numel(x)-1))' (2:numel(x))' ; numel(x) 1;];
foodel = delaunayTriangulation(x',y',constr);
% get logical indices of interior triangles
inout = isInterior(foodel);

% if desired, plot the triangles  and the original points to verify.
%  triplot(foodel.ConnectivityList(inout, :),...
    foodel.Points(:,1),foodel.Points(:,2), 'r')
% hold on
%  plot(fooa.Points(:,1),fooa.Points(:,2),'g')

% now solidify
%  need to create dummy 3rd column of points for a solid
point3 = [foodel.Points,ones(numel(foodel.Points(:,1)),1)];
% pick any negative 'elevation' to make the area into a solid
[solface,solvert] = surf2solid(foodel.ConnectivityList(inout,:),...
    point3, 'Elevation', -10);  


I've successfully turned some 'ugly' concave polygons into STLs that Cura is happy to turn into gCode.