请注意,在下图中,Y10.0坐标绕Z轴旋转90度的简单旋转返回正确的X值(-10),但Y显示一个时髦的数字(6.1230 ...)..但是如果我将Z周围的旋转角度改为45,结果似乎是正确的......
我不知道自己做错了什么来得到这个奇怪的Y.由于这个错误,我完全不相信这个算法的结果,但我现在处于一个盲点... < / p>
Private Sub BtnCompute_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnCompute.Click
'Capture the values from the text boxes and parse then to doubles
'Rotate the coordinates
RotateXYZCoordinates(dblOriginalCoordX, dblOriginalCoordY, dblOriginalCoordZ, dblCurrentRotationAroundX, dblCurrentRotationAroundY, dblCurrentRotationAroundZ)
'Update the text boxes for the rotated coordinates for XYZ
txtResultX.Text = dblResultX.ToString
txtResultY.Text = dblResultY.ToString
txtResultZ.Text = dblResultZ.ToString
End Sub
Private Function RotateXYZCoordinates(ByVal XCoord As Double, ByVal YCoord As Double, ByVal ZCoord As Double, ByVal Pitch As Double, ByVal Roll As Double, ByVal Yaw As Double)
'X Rotation
Dim RadPitch As Double = 0
Dim CosPitch As Double = 0
Dim SinPitch As Double = 0
Dim XRotatedAroundX As Double = 0
Dim YRotatedAroundX As Double = 0
Dim ZRotatedAroundX As Double = 0
RadPitch = Pitch * Math.PI / 180
CosPitch = Math.Cos(RadPitch)
SinPitch = Math.Sin(RadPitch)
XRotatedAroundX = XCoord
YRotatedAroundX = YCoord * CosPitch - ZCoord * SinPitch
ZRotatedAroundX = YCoord * SinPitch + ZCoord * CosPitch
'Y Rotation
Dim RadRoll As Double = 0
Dim CosRoll As Double = 0
Dim SinRoll As Double = 0
Dim XRotatedAroundY As Double = 0
Dim YRotatedAroundY As Double = 0
Dim ZRotatedAroundY As Double = 0
RadRoll = Roll * Math.PI / 180
CosRoll = Math.Cos(RadRoll)
SinRoll = Math.Sin(RadRoll)
XRotatedAroundY = ZRotatedAroundX * CosRoll - XRotatedAroundX * SinRoll
YRotatedAroundY = YRotatedAroundX
ZRotatedAroundY = ZRotatedAroundX * SinRoll + XRotatedAroundX * CosRoll
'Z Rotation
Dim RadYaw As Double = 0
Dim CosYaw As Double = 0
Dim SinYaw As Double = 0
Dim XRotatedAroundZ As Double = 0
Dim YRotatedAroundZ As Double = 0
Dim ZRotatedAroundZ As Double = 0
RadYaw = Yaw * Math.PI / 180
CosYaw = Math.Cos(RadYaw)
SinYaw = Math.Sin(RadYaw)
XRotatedAroundZ = XRotatedAroundY * CosYaw - YRotatedAroundY * SinYaw
YRotatedAroundZ = XRotatedAroundY * SinYaw + YRotatedAroundY * CosYaw
ZRotatedAroundZ = ZRotatedAroundY
'Final result
dblResultX = XRotatedAroundZ
dblResultY = YRotatedAroundZ
dblResultZ = ZRotatedAroundZ
Return Nothing
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案是正确的。由于双精度数学和90度旋转,因此精度受到限制。答案实际上是6.12303176911189E-16或.000000000000000612303176911189。将数字四舍五入为小数点的实际值。这也是为什么在浮点数学中1 + 1不等于2而是1.9999999999999999999999999999999999的原因。