正如标题所说,我正在学习如何在C ++中使用指针。我的任务是编写一个程序,从文本文件中获取有关国家/地区的数据,将它们加载到类对象数组中,然后让用户查看数据,删除条目或退出。
我正在使用CodeBlocks并在Ubunutu上运行。我将编译器设置为c ++ 11。
//This is the main.cpp file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Country.h"
const int FILE_PATH_SZ = 512;
Country** g_countryArray;
int g_arrsz = 0;
using namespace std;
void openFile(ifstream& inFile, string pathName);
void getArrSize(ifstream& inFile, string pathName, string& countriesData);
void fillCountryArr(ifstream& inFile, string pathName, string& countryName, string& capitalName, string& tempSurfaceArea);
void printCountryData(Country** g_countryArray, int g_arrsz);
int main() {
char menuChoice, startingLetter;
string pathName, countriesData, countryName, capitalName, tempSurfaceArea;
ifstream inFile;
do {
cout << "Choose one of the following:" << endl << endl;
cout << "Menu options" << endl << endl;
cout << "a) Read a text file:" << endl;
cout << "b) Remove countries starting with given letter" << endl;
cout << "c) Print all data to console" << endl;
cout << "d) Quit" << endl;
cin >> menuChoice;
switch (menuChoice)
case 'a':
cout << "Please enter the full path name of the file you wish to open: " << endl;
cin >> pathName;
openFile(inFile, pathName);
getArrSize(inFile, pathName, countriesData);
fillCountryArr(inFile, pathName, countryName, capitalName, tempSurfaceArea);
case 'b':
cout << "Enter the starting letter: " << endl;
cin >> startingLetter;
case 'c':
printCountryData(g_countryArray, g_arrsz);
}while (menuChoice != 'd');
return 0;
void openFile(ifstream& inFile, string pathName)
if (!inFile)
cout << "Cannot open file." << endl;
void getArrSize(ifstream& inFile, string pathName, string& countriesData)
while (getline(inFile, countriesData))
g_countryArray = new Country* [g_arrsz]; //declares g_countryArray to be an array of pointers of size [g_arrsz]. The array holds pointers to Country class objects
void fillCountryArr(ifstream& inFile, string pathName, string& countryName, string& capitalName, string& tempSurfaceArea)
long int surfaceArea;
//closes and reopens the file cleanly
for (int i = 0; i < g_arrsz; i++)
getline(inFile, countryName, ','); //gets the name of the country from the input file
getline(inFile, capitalName, ','); //gets the name of the capital of the country from the input file
getline(inFile, tempSurfaceArea); //gets the surface area of the country in the form of a string
surfaceArea = stol(tempSurfaceArea); //converts the string version of surface area to an integer
g_countryArray[i] = new Country(countryName.c_str(), capitalName.c_str(), surfaceArea); //creates new Country class and stores address in the i'th element of g_countryArray
} //passes the name of the country and capital of the country in to the constructor as
//c-strings and passes surfaceArea as an int
void printCountryData(Country** g_countryArray, int g_arrsz)
for (int i = 0; i < g_arrsz; ++i)
cout << g_countryArray[i]->GetCountryName() << ", ";
cout << g_countryArray[i]->GetCapital() << ", ";
cout << g_countryArray[i]->GetSurfaceArea() << endl;
//here is the Country.h file
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class Country
char* name_;
char* capital_;
long surfaceArea_;
Country (const char* country, const char* capital, long surfaceArea);
~Country ();
char* GetCountryName();
char* GetCapital();
long GetSurfaceArea();
Country::Country(const char* country, const char* capital, long surfaceArea)
int countryLen, capitalLen; //variables to store length of c-strings country and capital for dynamically allocating arrays of the right length
countryLen = strlen(country); //gets length of country name
capitalLen = strlen(capital); //gets length of capital name
name_ = new char[countryLen + 1]; //dyanmically creates a new character array of size countryLen and stores base address of array in name_ pointer
for (int i = 0; i < countryLen; i++)//transfers storage of country name to the name_ array
name_[i] = country[i];
capital_ = new char[capitalLen + 1]; //creates a new character array of size capitalLen and stores base address of array in capital_ pointer
for (int i = 0; i < countryLen; i++)
capital_[i] = capital[i];
surfaceArea_ = surfaceArea;
char* GetCountryName()
return name_;
char* GetCapital()
return capital_;
long GetSurfaceArea()
return surfaceArea_;
底部的这3个访问者函数产生错误&#39; name_未在此范围内声明等等。&#39;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
char* Country::GetCountryName()
return name_;
char* Country::GetCapital()
return capital_;
long Country::GetSurfaceArea()
return surfaceArea_;