
时间:2017-09-25 10:40:12

标签: r


data <- data.frame(id = 1:7,
                   t1 = c("AV1", "AV1", "AZ", "AV1", "AV1","AV1","AV2"),
                   t2 = c("AV2", NA, "AV3", "AV2", "AV2",NA, "AV3"),
                   t3 = c("AZ", "AV2", "AV4", "AZ", "AZ","AV4","AV4"))

每一行代表一个人&#34; id&#34;,在几个不同的时间步骤(状态(#34; t1&#34; - &#34; t3&#34;)列中显示状态(值):

id t1  t2   t3
1 AV1  AV2  AZ
2 AV1  NA   AV2
3 AZ   AV3  AV4
4 AV1  AV2  AZ
5 AV1  AV2  AZ
6 AV1  NA   AV4
7 AV2  AV3  AV4


 from            to                 count 
  AV1            AV2                 4             
  AV2            AZ                  3              
  AZ             AV3                 1             
  AV3            AV4                 2           
  AV1            AV4                 1
  AV2            AV3                 1

因此,&#34;计数&#34;表示特定转换发生的次数。例如,AV1到AV2发生4次,AV2到AZ发生3次。 NA被排除在外。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

为避免对列进行硬编码,您可以将数据重新整形为长格式(melt)。使用headtail,每个“id”(by = id),以连续的时间步长对齐值。计算每个唯一转换(.N

的行数(by = .(from, to)
d <- melt(data ,id.vars = "id", na.rm=TRUE)
d[ , .(from = head(value, -1), to = tail(value, -1)), by = id][ , .N, by = .(from, to)]
#   from  to N
# 1: AV1 AV2 4
# 2: AV2  AZ 3
# 3:  AZ AV3 1
# 4: AV3 AV4 2
# 5: AV1 AV4 1
# 6: AV2 AV3 1


d <- na.omit(reshape(data, varying = list(2:4), direction = "long"))
as.data.frame(table(unlist(by(d, d$id, function(dat) paste(head(dat$t1, -1), tail(dat$t1, -1), sep = " - ")))))

#        Var1 Freq
# 1 AV1 - AV2    4
# 2 AV1 - AV4    1
# 3 AV2 - AV3    1
# 4  AV2 - AZ    3
# 5 AV3 - AV4    2
# 6  AZ - AV3    1

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这是一个适用于任意数量列的通用方法。我们找到列的所有对组合(索引方式)。我们使用它们来索引原始df中的列,并将它们放在列表中。粘贴元素,进行一些清理(trimws(gsub('NA', '', do.call(paste, a[i1[,x]]))),然后使用table函数,我们得到您的预期结果。将其包含在as.data.frame中可以得出预期的输出结构。

i1 <- combn(seq_along(a[-1])+1, 2)

final_d <- as.data.frame(table(unlist(lapply(seq(ncol(i1)), function(x) {
               v1 <- trimws(gsub('NA', '', do.call(paste, a[i1[,x]]))); 
               grep('\\s', v1, value = TRUE)


     Var1 Freq
1 AV1 AV2    4
2 AV1 AV4    1
3  AV1 AZ    3
4 AV2 AV3    1
5 AV2 AV4    1
6  AV2 AZ    3
7 AV3 AV4    2
8  AZ AV3    1
9  AZ AV4    1


setNames(data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(final_d$Var1),' ',fixed=TRUE)), 
                    c('from', 'to', 'freq.'))
  from  to freq.
1  AV1 AV2     4
2  AV1 AV4     1
3  AV1  AZ     3
4  AV2 AV3     1
5  AV2 AV4     1
6  AV2  AZ     3
7  AV3 AV4     2
8   AZ AV3     1
9   AZ AV4     1

答案 2 :(得分:0)



d1 <- data %>% group_by(t1, t2) %>% filter(!is.na(t1) & !is.na(t2)) %>% summarise(n()) %>% `colnames<-`(c("from", "to", "weight")) %>% as.data.frame()
d2 <- data %>% group_by(t2, t3) %>% filter(!is.na(t2) & !is.na(t3)) %>% summarise(n()) %>% `colnames<-`(c("from", "to", "weight")) %>% as.data.frame()
d3 <- data %>% group_by(t1, t3) %>% filter(!is.na(t1) & !is.na(t3)) %>% summarise(n()) %>% `colnames<-`(c("from", "to", "weight")) %>% as.data.frame()
#final data
df <- rbind(d1, d2, d3) %>% group_by(from, to) %>% summarise(weight=sum(weight)) %>% as.data.frame()

答案 3 :(得分:0)


data %>% 
  gather(key, value, -id) %>% filter(!is.na(value)) %>% group_by(id) %>% 
  transmute(from = value, to = lead(value)) %>% filter(!is.na(to)) %>% ungroup() %>%
  count(from, to)

#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#>    from    to     n
#>   <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1   AV1   AV2     4
#> 2   AV1   AV4     1
#> 3   AV2   AV3     1
#> 4   AV2    AZ     3
#> 5   AV3   AV4     2
#> 6    AZ   AV3     1


data <- tibble(id = 1:7,
               t1 = c("AV1", "AV1", "AZ", "AV1", "AV1", "AV1", "AV2"),
               t2 = c("AV2", NA, "AV3", "AV2", "AV2", NA, "AV3"),
               t3 = c("AZ", "AV2", "AV4", "AZ", "AZ", "AV4", "AV4"))

cnt1 <- data %>% filter(!is.na(t2)) %>% count(t1, t2) %>% rename(from = t1, to = t2)
cnt2 <- data %>% filter(!is.na(t2)) %>% count(t2, t3) %>% rename(from = t2, to = t3)
cnt3 <- data %>% filter(is.na(t2)) %>% count(t1, t3) %>% rename(from = t1, to = t3)

cnt1 %>%
  bind_rows(cnt2) %>%
  bind_rows(cnt3) %>%
  group_by(from, to) %>%
  summarise(weight = sum(n))
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#> # Groups:   from [?]
#>    from    to weight
#>   <chr> <chr>  <int>
#> 1   AV1   AV2      4
#> 2   AV1   AV4      1
#> 3   AV2   AV3      1
#> 4   AV2    AZ      3
#> 5   AV3   AV4      2
#> 6    AZ   AV3      1