
时间:2017-09-24 02:20:30

标签: c# nodes


    Binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree where the value of each node is larger or equal to the values in all the nodes in that node's left subtree and is smaller than the values in all the nodes in that node's right subtree.

Write a function that checks if a given binary search tree contains a given value.

For example, for the following tree:

n1 (Value: 1, Left: null, Right: null)
n2 (Value: 2, Left: n1, Right: n3)
n3 (Value: 3, Left: null, Right: null)
Call to Contains(n2, 3) should return true since a tree with root at n2 contains number 3.


 public class BinarySearchTree
        public static bool Contains(Node root, int value)
            foreach (var v in root)
                if (root.Value == value)
                    //value found return true

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Node n1 = new Node(1, null, null);
            Node n3 = new Node(3, null, null);
            Node n2 = new Node(2, n1, n3);

            Console.WriteLine(Contains(n2, 3));


我可以不像列表一样遍历节点吗? 如何检查root中是否找到值? 谢谢

更新 啊,好的...感谢juharr的回复所以我已经将我的代码更新为......

public static bool Contains(Node root, int value)
                    if (root.Value == value)
                        return true;
                    else if (root.Value > value)
                        if (root.Right == null)
                            Contains(root.Left, value);
                        Contains(root.Right, value);
                    else //(root.Value < value)
                        if (root.Left == null)
                            Contains(root.Right, value);

                        Contains(root.Left, value);

                return false;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


public static bool Contains(Node root, int value)
    if (root == null) return false;
    if (root.Value == value) return true;
    if (root.Value > value) return Contains(root.Left, value);
    return Contains(root.Right, value);



public static bool Contains(Node root, int value)
    while(root != null)
        if(root.Value == value) return true;
        if(root.Value > value) root = root.Left;
        else root = root.Right;

    return false;

此处我们循环直到我们点击null节点,并根据比较将root设置为LeftRight,或者立即返回true Value是匹配的。如果我们将它设置为循环,则找不到该值。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



可以遍历BST - 使用堆栈传递子节点将有助于此(如所示here)。因此,您可以将root的子项放入堆栈,然后将其值与目标value进行比较。

话虽如此,可以说是更直观的方法来递归 - 理论上你会检查当前节点的值,然后递归调用Contains - 将它传递给当前节点的right或者left孩子,直到找到目标Value,或者不是。{/ p>




考虑到这一点,您将能够在O(log n)时间内通过“切断”您不需要检查的值来实现它(由于当前节点的值与您的目标相关value 1}})。