如何使用IOS DJI-SDK以编程方式从无人机下载图像

时间:2017-09-07 16:15:48

标签: ios swift dji-sdk

我一直在将一些问题从我的无人机直接下载到我的应用程序中。我不断得到一个" 系统正忙,请稍后再试。(代码:-1004)"尝试下载图像时出现错误消息,我已经在stackoverflow上查看了DJI论坛和其他问题,但未能找到解决此问题的任何方法。

我已经看过this question了,但我已经在使用该答案建议的技术了。


func downloadFilesFromDrone(){

    // get current product
    guard let drone = DJISDKManager.product() else {
        Logger.logError("Product is connected but DJISDKManager.product is nil when attempting to download media")

    // Get camera on drone
    guard  let camera: DJICamera = drone.camera else {
        Logger.logError("Unable to detect Camera in downloadFilesFromDrone()")
        // make recursive call until we are able to detect the camera
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
            Logger.logH1("Trying to detect Camera again")

    Logger.logH1("Successfully detected the camera")

    // check if we can download images with the product
     if !camera.isMediaDownloadModeSupported() {
        Logger.logError("Product does not support media download mode")

    // switch camera mode to allow for media downloads
    camera.setMode( .mediaDownload, withCompletion: {(error) in
        if error != nil {
        else {

            // get the media manager from the drone to gain access to the files
            let manager = camera.mediaManager!
            manager.refreshFileList(completion: { (error) in

                if error != nil {
                    print("State: \(manager.fileListState.rawValue)")
                    print("Error refreshing list: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
                else {
                    Logger.logH1("Refreshed file list")
                    print("State: \(manager.fileListState.rawValue)")

                    guard let files = manager.fileListSnapshot() else {
                        Logger.logError("No files to download")

                    Logger.logH1("There are files to download")

                    var images: [UIImage] = []

                    for file in files {

                        if file.mediaType == .JPEG {

                            print("Time created: \(file.timeCreated)")

                            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {

                                file.fetchData(withOffset: 0, update: DispatchQueue.main, update: {(_ data: Data?, _ isComplete: Bool, _ error: Error?) -> Void in

                                    if error != nil {
                                        print("State: \(manager.fileListState.rawValue)")
                                        print("Error downloading photo: \(error!)")
                                    else {
                                        // unwrap downloaded data and create image
                                        if let data = data, let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data) {
                                            print("Image was downloaded!")
                                            images.append( downloadedImage )

                                }) // end of filedata fetch



                    } // end of loop

            }) // end of file-refresh block


    })// end of camera setMode block



*** Product Connected ***
*** Unable to detect Camera in downloadFilesFromDrone() ***
*** Firmware package version is: Unknown ***
--> Trying to detect Camera again
--> Successfully detected the camera
--> Refreshed file list
State: 0
--> There are files to download
Time created: 2017-09-01 15:17:04
Time created: 2017-09-01 15:17:16
Time created: 2017-09-01 15:17:26
Time created: 2017-09-01 15:17:36
Time created: 2017-09-01 15:19:06
State: 0
Error downloading photo: System is busy, please retry later.(code:-1004)
State: 0
Error downloading photo: System is busy, please retry later.(code:-1004)
State: 0
Error downloading photo: System is busy, please retry later.(code:-1004)
State: 0
Error downloading photo: System is busy, please retry later.(code:-1004)



 * This function downloads the N latest images from the drone and passes them to the completionhandler once all images have completed downloading
func downloadImages( files: [DJIMediaFile], howMany: Int, maxErrors: Int, completion: @escaping ([UIImage]) -> Void){

    Logger.logH1("Queueing \(howMany) image(s) to be downloaded")

    func downloadNextImage( files: [DJIMediaFile], fileCount: Int, index: Int = 0, downloadedFiles: [UIImage] = [], errorCount: Int = 0) {

        // stop when we reach the end of the list
        if index == fileCount {
        else {
            var imageData: Data?
            let file = files[index]

            file.fetchData(withOffset: 0, update: DispatchQueue.main, update: {(_ data: Data?, _ isComplete: Bool, _ error: Error?) -> Void in

                if let error = error {

                    if errorCount < maxErrors {
                        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
                            Logger.logH1("Attempting to download: \(file.fileName) again")
                            downloadNextImage(files: files, fileCount: fileCount, index: index, downloadedFiles: downloadedFiles, errorCount: errorCount + 1)

                    else {
                        Logger.logError("Too many errors downloading the images, try downloading again")

                else {
                    // if image is done downloading
                    if isComplete {

                        // get full image data
                        if let imageData = imageData, let image = UIImage(data: imageData) {
                            Logger.logH1("Downloaded: \(file.fileName)")

                            // now that the image is done downloading, move onto the next image
                            downloadNextImage(files: files, fileCount: fileCount, index: (index + 1), downloadedFiles: downloadedFiles + [image], errorCount: 0)
                        // else, download the file
                    else {

                        // If image exists, append the data
                        if let _ = imageData, let data = data {
                            // initialize the image data
                        else {
                            imageData = data


            }) // end of filedata fetch

        }   // end of else statement

    // bounds checking
    let available = files.count
    let n = howMany > available ? available : howMany

    // grab the N latest images taken by the drone
    let filesToDownload : [DJIMediaFile] = Array ( files.suffix(n) )

    // start the recursive function
    downloadNextImage(files: filesToDownload, fileCount: filesToDownload.count)


  // get current product
    guard let drone = DJISDKManager.product() else {
        Logger.logError("Product is connected but DJISDKManager.product is nil when attempting to download media")

    // Get camera on drone
    guard  let camera: DJICamera = drone.camera else {
        Logger.logError("Unable to detect Camera in initDownload()")

    Logger.logH1("Successfully detected the camera")

    // check if we can download images with the product
    if !camera.isMediaDownloadModeSupported() {
        Logger.logError("Product does not support media download mode")

    // switch camera mode to allow for media downloads
    camera.setMode( .mediaDownload, withCompletion: {(error) in
        if error != nil {
        else {

            // get the media manager from the drone to gain access to the files
            let manager = camera.mediaManager!
            manager.refreshFileList(completion: { (error) in

                if error != nil {
                    print("State: \(manager.fileListState.rawValue)")
                    print("Error refreshing list: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
                else {
                    Logger.logH1("Refreshed file list")
                    print("State: \(manager.fileListState.rawValue)")

                    // get list of files
                    guard let files = manager.fileListSnapshot() else {
                        Logger.logError("No files to download")

                    Logger.logH1("There are files to download.. Beginning Download")
                    self.downloadImages(files: files, howMany: waypoints, maxErrors: 4, completion: { images in
                        Logger.logH1("Finished downloading: \(images.count) image(s)")
                        // do something with the images here

            }) // end of file-refresh block


    })// end of camera setMode block

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





if isComplete {
    image = UIImage(data: imageData)
    // handle image as desired


if isComplete {
    image = UIImage(data: imageData)
    // handle image as desired

    // then, initiate next download